Bungie, for the love of Crota get rid of this map on Control playlists. Burning Shrine and Asylum are at least playable but Anomaly just isn't working. It's a hectic mess of spawn, death, spawn, death, spawn, walk three feet, death, spawn, run down a hallway, death, spawn, begin capturing a point, death. It's the digital equivalent of arriving at a party only to realize that the host has a studio apartment with no seating, no place to set your drink down, and no escape from the guests that you dislike.
Until then...[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/f3a27291da665afb02b2516f0fd30459/tumblr_mi6l0wsXgK1ql5yr7o1_400.gif]THIS[/url]
Camp B zone hallway with sniper, destroy OP and all other whiners on this post. Jk, this really isn't an easy control map, you have to find some good strategies here or it will be chaos