So heists come out this Tuesday for GTA, and I don't know if I should do everything on Tuesday first or Heists. Keep in mind I have school the next day. What do you guys think?
Will be playing Destiny here
Get your Raids and Nightfalls out of the way first while everyone's looking to fill their fireteams. Then it'll be out of the way and you can worry about GTA.
Do nightfall and raids while Rockstar fixes the inevitable server issues.
You don't have school tommorow?
GTA 5 multiplayer was a horrible turnout. Too much glitches and pay-to-win. I'm sorry but IMO GTA 5 is more grindy than Destiny.
I'll check it out tomorrow to see what new items they add with the heists update, then after that I'll play destiny and do the weekly strike and nightfall.
I'll be on Destiny. I got bored of GTA a long time ago as there's nothing left to do. The only friend I have that still plays 360 doesn't have Gold anymore and I don't feel like pairing up with randoms for them.
Why not both (queues Mexican music)
Some combination of both if we have good raid teams.
Destiny. Those GTA servers will be destroyed
GTA is so arcade , they -blam!-ed that game up real good.
Why not zoidberg?
Please put in #Gaming But still, I'm estatic
I don't understand the hype around GTA multiplayer. ITs fun for shits an giggles with friends, but it isn't that much fun just with yourself or randoms. Or maybe that's the thing, I probably need friends. [i]Dammit.[/i]
GTA 5 is almost as bad as ET for the Atari 2600.
can i ask what is heist? i havent read much about it.
Both. I get home from school early so I'll probably do the nightfalls first and then the Crota raids. Then heists
i quit gta after about a month of playing. Online got so boring. The missions were super boring, killing other people got super boring. Running into lobbies where everyone had tanks got super boring. Playing with your friends wound up being hanging out in their apartment or trying to mess with them while they were doing something.....AKA super boring. I would be willing to bet that heists get super boring.
Hiests should be fun.IGN has compared the multi hour hiests to raiding in destiny. If so we will see how much matchmaking sucks for this type of game mode/raid style.
Full raid x3 HM 3x crota nm CP 3x nf 3x weekly heroic atheon gorgon maze x3 then GTA 5:)
How about both?
I do not trust that they will work in the least, or even that they will come out, it has just taken them so long to finally release them that i have lost faith in those heists.