Alright, so I still have yet to beat Crota on hard mode because the 32's keep blaming me for messing up and bringing the team down because I am a level 31 without Gjallahorn. My job in the raids is to pop a titan bubble to distract the boomers. I always distract them but whenever the swordbearer gets wrecked my crota's melee, the blame the boomers even though it was clearly crota just because I am a level 31! I'm starting to get pissed because everyone blames me for everything just cause I don't have Ghorn and I'm level 31.
Also, my role in the raid is not to kill enemies so my level DOES NOT MATTER! Any other 30's or 31's having this problem?
If you're on ps4 add me. My group does Crota every week with ease and we help others get some loot. If we have room we will pick you up! PSN: Droacan