Bungie, for the love of Crota get rid of this map on Control playlists. Burning Shrine and Asylum are at least playable but Anomaly just isn't working. It's a hectic mess of spawn, death, spawn, death, spawn, walk three feet, death, spawn, run down a hallway, death, spawn, begin capturing a point, death. It's the digital equivalent of arriving at a party only to realize that the host has a studio apartment with no seating, no place to set your drink down, and no escape from the guests that you dislike.
Until then...[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/f3a27291da665afb02b2516f0fd30459/tumblr_mi6l0wsXgK1ql5yr7o1_400.gif]THIS[/url]
how do you even play other maps?! i havent been to the moon in a while now or most DLC maps -__- no bigger maps?
I don't care. I just want combined arms to be a permanent part of the crucible playlist. AMIRITE
"It's a hectic mess" That is actually why i like that map.
Honestly I don't think it should be a control map for a 6v6 mode. If it was 3v3 it would be fine but where B flag is right now when the enemy team camps there it is quite literally close to impossible to cap it. The only hope you have is taking A and C flag while completely ignoring B. However this also doesn't work a good amount of the time because the enemy will spawn next to either A or C flag.
Anomaly is the best sniper map in the game right now. It stays
Edited by GemCutter: 3/9/2015 4:47:04 AMNothing should be more important to them regarding maps on control than fixing blind watch. Most unbalanced map I've ever seen. They need to remove B from inside the building, put it outside somewhere, simple fix.
No the map rotation is already crap. No one cares you came find a good camping spot. they need to add back the big maps. every ones bitched their snipe fest the complain about shotties on cqc maps. bungie just needs to add any maps they have setup for control for better rotation. everyone else needs to adapt or die
Tumbler fag. Go back to combined arms then.
Stop asking them to remove maps out of rotation... They already got rid of the big maps meaning less content for us ! Heck I've never even play in the new dlc big map because is not on rotation !
I seriously don't see the problem. Its obviously a shotgun haven, but I always stay in the outer hallways and keep my distance, picking off enemies as I go.
I understand your frustration but it's on this map I get most of my kills with a shotgun doing the Thorn bounty!
[quote]It's a hectic mess of spawn, death, spawn, death, spawn, walk three feet, death, spawn, run down a hallway, death, spawn, begin capturing a point, death.[/quote] Good players turn that into: It's a hectic mess of spawn, kill, kill, death, spawn, walk three feet, kill, kill, run down a hallway, kill, kill, begin capturing a point, kill, death, spawn.
Pocket infinity
That's where I got my highest kill streak at, I don't have a huge problem with the map. Burning shrine is the one that makes me want to quit the match
I miss blind watch and the Mars map. These maps aren't as fun in control =(
Unless you love sniping
I hate this map.
whomp whomp
Camp B zone hallway with sniper, destroy OP and all other whiners on this post. Jk, this really isn't an easy control map, you have to find some good strategies here or it will be chaos
I find it easy to do as well on that map as do on any other , which is 2 + KD , however I do agree that that map is abortion .
Yeah its a poor map for control. I don't think I saw a single primary last game I played on anomaly. Only shotguns. It has control point balance but its such a crowded map our team of 6 can absolutely dominate.
That map is terrible even in Skirmish.
QQ more