Hey derr, I'm John. I've been here since the beta, I've devoted my time on destiny to mastering all the raids, and accumulating all the exotics (minus the don't touch me's, seriously I was off one weekend xur!). In my time on destiny I've mostly just wanted to take a group of guardians under my wing and help them "become legend" and whatnot, but had to shun the idea untill I mastered crota, gained his drops, and of course ascertained the necrochasm aka "The plinker". At this point I've done all I can do but nurture a small group of underachieving guardians (no offence), and help them carve their path to badassery and glory. I'm looking to start an all around clan, for crucible, raids, and general activities. I have no problem running VOG and Crota raids for people new to the concept, I enjoy seeing people happy, simple things like that put me in a good mood, and thats all I want to promote in this group. This would primarily be an Xbox One clan, but hey, maybe some of you fellow legends on Xbox360 want to help the community too, if this interests you, join up and throw me a pm, I can promote you as an admin/leader of your own platform, and we can build us a nourishing little community together.
(EDIT) At this point the main group is at capacity, but not to worry, a brother clan has been made and an alliance has been formed, new recruits can apply at the link below.
GT Cr8tingH8ters
Need help with some raids
Anyone trying to power lvl, made a new Hunter lvl 5, XBOX One Gt - Hordenine ..... inv
Chester the Guardian molester lol... Bet u got candy for them too or purple candy boxes huh
Need to run through the story gt is AresStriker
[quote]Hey derr, I'm John. I've been here since the beta, I've devoted my time on destiny to mastering all the raids, and accumulating all the exotics (minus the don't touch me's, seriously I was off one weekend xur!). In my time on destiny I've mostly just wanted to take a group of guardians under my wing and help them "become legend" and whatnot, but had to shun the idea untill I mastered crota, gained his drops, and of course ascertained the necrochasm aka "The plinker". At this point I've done all I can do but nurture a small group of underachieving guardians (no offence), and help them carve their path to badassery and glory. I'm looking to start an all around clan, for crucible, raids, and general activities. I have no problem running VOG and Crota raids for people new to the concept, I enjoy seeing people happy, simple things like that put me in a good mood, and thats all I want to promote in this group. This would primarily be an Xbox One clan, but hey, maybe some of you fellow legends on Xbox360 want to help the community too, if this interests you, join up and throw me a pm, I can promote you as an admin/leader of your own platform, and we can build us a nourishing little community together.[/quote] Help me?
Im a level 28 Warlock and i haven't done any of the raids this week, if anyone can help me messege me, im on xbox 360, my GT is FD TheTeflonDon. thanks
Any newbies here wanting to help beat phogoth lol if you haven't done I'd take you through it I'm a 32 Titan but I need to kill xyor message me CaliDrew661
Edited by Brazheera: 3/8/2015 8:13:24 PMI'd like to join your clan i'm a lvl 13 hunter :) Name Brazheera :) PS4
I only got the dark below so haven't done crotas end yet, level 29 warlock, if anyone wants to do it invite me, gt ZIPPYJAKE
Crota check point xb1 gt mass overdrive i need help to finish it
Can i get a invite
Looking for a helping hand on Xbox 360. Need fire team members to complete Kill Xyor strike and have not done VOG / Crota yet. 31 hunter, 25 warlock, 25 Titan. Message/invite me if you are available.
I'm always down. If somebody needs help on psn add fun_ghoul44
I'm in!
I would love to join! I have a hunter, warlock, and titan all at level 32. I have not been rewarded with all of the exotics yet, but I'm working on it. I have even spent most of this week with my buddy helping 27-29 levels through crota on normal. My gamer tag is the same as above, THExPROxKILLER.
Edited by Flust3rCook: 3/8/2015 5:35:34 PMI'm in dude >:-)
I think this is a great idea. I have a 31 hunter and a 30 titan, experienced with raids and would love to join and help out other players. My brother is just getting started in raids with a 29 hunter and a 25 warlock, and having trouble with A**Holes online with no patience with him since he is unexperienced in the raids. We all were beginners at one point. Msg me, i think this would be a good place for us. Thx. Xbone tag - Spaniard02
yo you down to do crotas end on normal?
Edited by Twoeclipse970: 3/8/2015 5:48:13 PMlvl 26 hunter looking to join vog normal I have gorgon cp invite me gt same as above
Lv 27 titan looking for VoG raid invites. Gt is above.
27 Titan (my Hunter isn't used anymore). Anyone willing to help me with the Nightfall or Crota normal? I have the saint helm, max IB, and invective. If anyone can help me in the nightfall PSN is IronClad24
32 titan looking to help people with abbys & bridge, GT: Al3xX 117
Can you help me and my friends do fresh crota thx msg me same as above
Great idea mate , wish you all the best 😊