More proof
I knew that the democrats covered the truth up.
"Hillary Clinton appears to have established multiple email addresses for her private use, and possibly the use of her aides, under the domain of “,” according to a prominent member of the hacking community who supplied independent research data, conducted with high-tech tools, to Fox News."
Thoughts on this?
More proof from jones burr [spoiler][quote]
There you go.[/quote][/spoiler]
Jones is a shill. Every state has it's downsides... And Texas poured all of theirs into one entity. Take this from someone who earnestly wants America to overcome the 1%... ... Every political decision Americans get, is the wrong answer.
Get your wife under control Bill Clinton
Lol Fox News try harder.
Edited by The Warmaster82: 3/8/2015 4:08:26 AMYour first mistake was reading Fox News Your second mistake was believing Fox News And your third mistake was citing Fox News Nuff' said
Nothing new here.
Carry on.
Their just now exposing this because they don't want her to be president.
Your first mistake was not linking the onion.
Video of the day
No one cares about the Benghazi incident anymore. And I don't mean that to be dismissive. When it happened, there was so much news coverage of there being a potential scandal, long before any official investigation was to take place. By this point, the whole "cover-up" or "scandal" idea has been so overblown by media that -- even if factual -- most people don't care anymore; they're just sick of seeing it on the news.
You sure it wasn't Bill emailing multiple women?
People started making fun of Sean Hannity 3 years ago for not letting Benghazi go. It is still irrelevant.
People who hate fox, please make a news program and let's see if you back a party or company when they offer money. I listen to republican radio and watch democratic news, so I learn both sides of the story I usually back republicans. Because of personal views. Like Mike Brown CNN kept saying he was an innocent little guy and was executed. Fox was saying it doesn't have the whole story and it could only guess. In the end the jury, witnesses, evidence all proved the cop not guilty. Then instead of accepting defeat CNN kept flaming the riots. I know that 3 out of the hundred or so officers said racist things but that changes nothing. If you grouped up a hundred people I bet at least 3 would be racist and more than half said a racist joke which is why they are going to lose their jobs because of a joke peer to peer that was made public. Nobody is perfect and if you think you are please write a bible.
All you act like FOX news is so bad, but I never see anyone posting anything saying shit about Mad Max's extremely biased sources. Double standards that's what they're called. Also the fact that you don't believe a story that been carried by just about ever major news outlet just because you see FOX news makes you look a little dumb and uninformed.
Thanks Obama
Everybody's getting butthurt over the source... Screw truth, screw justice, screw what actually happened, let's just bash Fox news. It's not like it's the most watched news channel in the United States or anything, pfft. Baffling.
Deflate-gate had more evidence than this "scandle" haha
Why do people hate on fox news so much?
I'm a little confused on what her having personal email accounts and Benghazi have in common.
Both sources are Fox News lolz
You are obviously a person who gets and earful from tv. Fox is just a BS network that has billionare writers that don't care about context
Honestly, the Benghazi incident was Obama's fault. But now that I look back at it, he basically ruined Clinton's possible election by dropping all the blame on her. So it's really funny. Now we just have to hope the stupid republicans can pick a real conservative for election or at least someone with private sector work experience to help our economy grow. (Screw Keynes, free market FTW).
"Prominent member of the hacking community". Meaning some fanatic right-winger with a computer and photoshop?