Please ignore
Thanks everyone for your comments
Worst idea ever
Then what after that.. you want the Hawkmoon thrown in too maybe even a Red death, or how about the Thunderlord?
You don't even have an account or hiding it
If they nerf it and give it to every one it would ruin the joy when you actually get it
If they nerf it. Xur should sell the 300 max. And let anyone who has it. Keep 331.
If they nerf it. Xur should sell the 300 max. And let anyone who has it. Keep 331.
You're stupid. Quit whinning if you dont like it play another game.
Life ain't fair. Get over it bro.
It's gjallahorn, that's that. It won't be sold, it is op. Think about it, every boss would be taken down within one minute if everyone had it. It would ruin the game
No, Never ever!!!!
I've put in 500+ and don't have a g-horn and I'm happy that there is at least 1 gun in the game that people want and can't just buy. Games aren't supposed to be all inclusive for every little thing in them. Having some rare weapons and armor is good IMO. Gives people something to strive for. The only way I would be OK with Gally being open for everyone to get would be at the end of a very very hard exotic weapon quest line.
Haha haha what a whiner Get one and get gud
That takes the fun out of actually getting it from a drop or reward you'll have it soon enough
The only way to really nerf it is 1. Do less damage 2. Less Wolfpack rounds or 3. Remove it from the game and make everyone who doesn't have it happy
I would never tell someone to kill themselves but you....
Muted for going full retard. No guns need nerfs in PVE. Just stupid
i have a better idea, lets make a petition to ban everyone that makes a thread about gjallarhorn. these threads are becoming so tiresome and utterly pointless. if you need a certian gun to make the game 'fair', you need to check yourself first.
I would expect the community to burn down Bungie HQ if they nerfed the Gjallarhorn. lol
I didn't know Obama played Destiny?!?!
You paid for the emotional game you did not pay for the guns or anything in it
Punish the ones who happened to get lucky to have it drop and reward those who weren't as lucky, to make it fair to ALL PLAYERS. Thats basically what you're suggesting. You really dont see an issue with that? And how is that fair for all players and not just the ones that dont have it?