Be a completely different person for a few days, what kind of person would you be?
Inspired by the bizarre music video for [i]I Don't Have to be Me (til Monday)[/i] by Steve Azar
Kid Cudi fursure
I would be a billionaire and transfer a few hundred million to my regular persons account.
Id be the person who invented the technology and give it to my former self so i could do it infinitely Then id be a billionare and transfer a billion dollars into my account So you know how if you dont use your bank money they add more of it? Well id get 1 million dollars every year for my 1 billion in th bank Never have to work a day in my life Checkmate Panda [spoiler]yes i found another loophole[/spoiler]
Morgan Freeman
Choose the way of the panda
I wouldn't change a thing. I like my flaws and I enjoy them. Sometimes even use them to my advantage.
I'd be a billionaire with rich people problems.
I would be you. And I would go jump off a bridge.
If I could I should...I must...I shall...I would if I could...But should I if I must? All I know is that.... [spoiler]I am a dolphin. Don't think about it too hard. [/spoiler]
I would become Kate Upton, day that I'm actually a lesbian, and post a ton of nudes on the Internet. Check. And. Mate
I'd be a millionaire and donate shit tones of money to the "woupsea likes videogames charity foundation"
I'm pretty happy with my life right now. If I could change into the person in my head and continue my life then I'd change.
I would be Allah and kill God with suicide bombs.
It should be obvious
Master Chief
Nadie, así estoy bien
Why not Diablo, the Lord of Terror. It sounds like it could be a fun few days
Gordan freeman (HL2)