I just wanted to know the opinions of everyone who has this game. I actually enjoy this game. It's fun, and RNG-ish, and a nice break to when I'm not playing Destiny. The only bad sides are the servers are bad at the moment, but I expected this from a new release, and also the fact that its selling more than projected. The other bad part is, well, the menu music is annoying. I found myself at work singing that awful tune. So the in game music has been set all the way down since. Its a great game, but it will never take destiny's place in my book.
Destiny is the pinnacle of casual gaming. It's AAA wrapped in F2P mechanics with one of the worst implementations of RNG I've ever seen. Not to mention the auto-aim is so sticky you practically have to go out of your way to miss a shot. Here's a tip [spoiler]#Destiny because that's where you'll fit in[/spoiler]