hey guys we are recruiting any players and willing to take them through any raid they desire as long as they stay loyal to our team. this team has just been created due to parting with my old team so if you are interested in doing 3x crotas end (hard) or normal per week and nightfalls.
I myself have 3x level 32 warlock titan & hunter. Grimoire is 2840. I have basically every single exotic in the game. just really want to put a team together with consistent and reliable players please apply to the link to the clan or please feel free to pm me on ps4 @ xLuceyy
Sent a request. Started playing not too long ago but 1 more raid and I should have a 32 titan. Would love to play with a consistent group, not saying I don't like playing with randoms off the LFG sites (most of the time) but clans might be more for me.