You receive a warning from an unknown assailant that you have ten minutes before they besiege your school. (Yes you are actually in the building) what do you do in ten minutes? Prepare for war? Hog the pencils? Eat those Doritos you've been just waaaaaaiiiiiitttimg to eat?
You can't leave the grounds/building or buildings
You have no superpowers
You can't become God
You don't have any resources other than what is at the school
(The school is not a weapon)
EDIT: THE RULES HAVE CHANGED!!! You only have five minutes left!
DEDIT 2: 300 replies! Awesome!
Bring up that ballista from the engineering department and load that t-shirt cannon form robotics with some explosives made from chemicals in chemistry, we got fewls to frie
I would tell my classmates to get everyone we hate to the doors for barricades. Then we use the shelfs and desks to create shields and swords. Then we join the attackers because I hate my school
>find room that locks from inside. >win.
*pumps shotgun* I would do what everyone here has learned! *goes to the corner and looks at doorway* IM GONNA CAMP NEWBS! MLG QUICKSCOPE THEIR ASSSES!! :3
I would deny that I am an android.
Grab the girl I like and run.
Bang the hottest girl in my grade
Dig a hole and hide
Bang my milf teacher.
Smack the girl I like ass'
Aid the enemy. That should cancel school for a while right? I can always claim I was brainwashed. They can't prove anything.
Sleep, I'm tired.
Call in an ac 130 and blow the crap out of them loll jk
Say: "Fuq this I'm outta here." grab my friends and leave.
Um I still.leave
I'd grab some popcorn and watch
Join them or just strait up when they bust through the doors walk out them
•sit by door with sharp pencil •stab first soldier they walks through the door •take gun kill 6 more soldiers •call in harriers •+4 kills •call in chopper gunner •+14 kills •TACTICAL NUKE INBOUND! • BOOP BOOP BOOP •all enemies die •become local hero
Good thing i'm not in it...
Make a bunch of flamethrowers using industrial grade chemicals.
Statistics show that those who [i]react[/i] one way or another (fight or flight) are the ones who survive. A while back my department had a seminar with one of the survivors of the Virginia tech massacre. She explained how 12 out of the 17 people in her class were killed and how she was shot three times, but never froze up and never laid down to die. Almost always the best response is an immediate, aggravated, offensive counter-attack. If a shooter walks into a classroom with a gun and is instantly swarmed by 30 people, the situation won't be nearly as severe.
Run No school I've ever been to is worth dying for lol
Peace out bitches.
Act like nothing's gonna happen and sit there creepily smiling as people die
Isn't it obvious? Run