> Space marine shoots him That's difficult.
>He pisses on him > His whole squad melts
Kind of hard to do that with chunks of him everywhere.
Edited by MajinVexGlitch: 3/4/2015 11:49:01 PMHe'd do it before they could react
Space marines are fast enough that just catch bullets. Goku wouldn't be able to touch them.
Kek Master Roshi casually catches bullets
No he can't. Plus the average 40k bullets travel massively hypersonic.
Edited by MajinVexGlitch: 3/5/2015 12:20:50 AM[url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAQQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi61.tinypic.com%2Ffuus89.jpg&ei=HaD3VMOhM5fUoASA4YAo&bvm=bv.87611401,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNF9Sa0cgw8zcTmJ1An9ro-GY8ux1A&ust=1425600921040704&rct=j]lol ok[/url] Space marines can't blow up a moon with a gun Roshi [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAQQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Flounge.moviecodec.com%2Fimages%2Fattachment%2Fhow-much-power-does-it-take-to-destroy-the-moon-13867.jpg&ei=B6H3VNH9M8fioAS2iYHoCg&bvm=bv.87611401,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNHP06Jt_AV8ra-t3hOpGfM61mMW-A&ust=1425601134345848&rct=j]solos[/url]
That thing is ancient. Not much of an achievement. A psyker can destroy a planet if he isn't paying attention. A Space Marine could solo the entirety of the DBZ universe.
Where did a space marine blow up a moon with a gun?
[b] [/b]
What's that? And with a gun?
A planet. Yes.
Edited by MajinVexGlitch: 3/5/2015 12:39:39 AMThen why do they shoot at each other? And I doubt that was a space marine with his usual gun
To kill each other? You never specified what kind of gun.
The usual space marine m8 Cmon now
The usual space marine could kill a daemon capable of doing the same by slapping a planet.
But the guns can't blow up planets Roshi solos space marines
The gun can kill things that blow up planets ergo single space marine solos.
Defense=/= Attack power Roshi crushed space marines Then proceeds to make Space Marin Pr0nz
Here I'll even be nice and handicap the Marine. He's now naked and has a chainsword. [spoiler]It still wins.[/spoiler]
Kek He's already losing why Nerf him A sword can't hurt Roshi kek
Really? Because there isn't a single attack anyone from the DBZ universe that could damage power armor.
Oh shit I'm dying Literally Holy -blam!- How strong do you think power armor is?
Ceramite is resistant to weaponry that is capable of erasing matter. There's nothing in the DBZ universe that could even scratch ceramite.