I was wondering: Has anyone out there found or heard of a legendary hand canon with 331 attack available with similar stat distribution to The Devil You Know? I know Fatebringer is better and has similar stats, but I never had any luck getting that one, so my point of reference is TDYN, and I'm looking to get my primary upgraded before CE Hard mode drops.
331 hand cannons go something like this: 1) word of Crota 2) timur's lash because you can roll your own perks 3) any RNG hand cannon that you get a good perk set on 4) the vendor chance from FWC 5) TFWPKY vendor version 6) other. If you are looking to farm an RNG hand cannon, you are best off going new monarchy because the red hand has the best stats. If you are looking to buy, the chance is better than TFWPKY, which is better than the devil you don't.