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originally posted in:The Dark Apostle
3/4/2015 9:03:51 PM

Do's and Don't's of Raids (Lots to read but it's a MUST READ)

Alright, guardians, this is important. I, for one, am tired of our group being dead silent and hardly finishing Raids. Since I've been going through more than I ever imagined, I thought I'd make a post about the Do's and Don't's of Destiny Raiding. Not only will these pointers help but will make our raids much more fun if people follow. Do's: Communicate. I cannot stress this enough. If there is no communication we are already failing simply because these raids are designed on teamwork AND communication. You cannot have one without the other. If you do not like talking then raids are not going to be fun and you will not be invited. Teamwork. As said in the previous point, teamwork is required to move on and it goes hand in hand with communication. If people are running off doing their own thing, we will not get far and the finish line will seem endless miles away. Help. If you need help, just tell us and someone will come over to help out on your spot. Especially if you are a newcomer and haven't completed a raid. Let us know and we will aid you. Don't's Staying silent. This makes the raid not fun. Because we don't know what you are doing, if you are pulling your part, if you require help, or even if you are enjoying it. I get that some people stay quiet to focus on the task at hand but it is not that hard to talk and play at the same time. Insults and frustrations. Yes, there will be frustrations but that does not mean you should turn to the insult page in your attitude book. Most frustrations happen from lack of teamwork and communication. If there is a small slip up and things go south, it's understandable. Doing your own thing. I get it. It's fun. You want to solo things. You're the top dog. You're Mister Hot Shot. But guess what. This does not work in raids. If you want to solo it then why are you even a part of the fireteam? Lag and bugs. Yes these happen. It's natural. Not everything is perfect. However if you are having lag or experiencing bugs while playing, let us know and do not pick up items like the relic, chalice or the sword. These are important pieces of battles and if you are lagging out, you will cost us the round and frustrations will begin to stir. Newcomers. yes, we accept newcomers. If you haven't done a raid, let us know and people who have done raids, do not bring the newcomers in raids on hard mode. This will cause things to be harder on everyone's end. I know most people do not prefer to carry others and I'd like to prevent this from happening. Newcomers and hard mode do not go hand in hand. Also when we have newcomers, this is for experienced players, do not remain silent then complain about them not doing the right part. Tell them. AKA COMMUNICATE.

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  • Crota's Raid This raid is more focused on teamwork and communication because there are key things you have to watch out for and if your group is not watching your back, you will fail. This raid is shorter than Vault of Glass as there are less things to do. But that does not mean it is easier. Going into this raid, make sure you have a rocket launcher with tracking or a very strong machine gun. Heavy ammo synthesis help towards Crota. In the beginning, there are lanterns we must follow through a vast darkness. While running towards them, there will be a ton of thralls trying to kill us. We are also handicapped with the Weight of Darkness which slows your movements and takes away your jumps. As a hunter, this is where they shine since they have the great ability to become invisible for moments at a time. However you can make it through as other characters, I've made it through with my Warlock plenty of times. As a warlock if your grenades are fully charge, throw them on the lantern as it will kill the thralls. As a titan, if you have pulse grenades, throw them they will help. Certain lanterns will have knights waiting close by. Also do not linger long by the lanterns because they explode. At the end on hard mode, there are ogres that will appear. Taking them out quickly helps while watching out for the thralls. The next part is heavy on teamwork. If you're sniping somewhere without watching out for your teammates and you end up being the last man standing, frustrations can and will flare. Swordbearers are best taken down when the bridge is fully formed. Once everyone is across and we have beaten the shriekers, we split the team into three. Three go left, three go right. Someone must run inside, draw out the wizard, once the wizard is down, whoever has stronger heavy weapons, run inside and take out the shriekers then get the hell out. Once both shriekers are down, we have 30seconds to a minute to take down the boss inside. Crota. Now the fight is easy enough but small mistakes will cost us. Hiccups happen. Patience is needed. Do NOT run around doing your own thing, you will die and cost us the fight. Crota can only be damaged by the sword. He has a shield that once taken out will be when the swordbearer strikes. It is important that we down the swordbearer while Crota is in the middle. Once the swordbearer is in position, heavy weapons will be launched at Crota and that is when communication comes into play. When Crota moves to the side, either run back into the main room or hide on the center section, deep in the glass. When we tell people to either go down center or head into the ogre room, do so quickly, make sure you do not die along the way. Or he will summon the Oversoul, which is a giant sphere in the sky. Shoot everything you have at it, to keep everyone safe. Once the ogres are down, depending on what side Crota is on, we will either stay inside or run along the side he is not back into the main room. On Normal, we can have someone on boomer duty however on hard it is better to ignore the boomers due to the fact that when you take out the boomers, wizards will spawn in their place. I do hope that now people can see how important communication and teamwork is. Sure you can read through all of this and be like ‘Well that’s not so hard. I can just be quiet cause I know what to do’ Then by all means do so, and I won’t invite you to raids. Because it simply doesn’t work and it’ll turn raids into such a chore that they will no longer be fun. These are small things we can do to become better as a team. Yes there are other things I haven’t mentioned about the raids. Since there is no point in mentioning everything about the raids, this is just filled with the highlights so people know what to look out for and what to do when the raids happen regardless of which one. And I cannot stress enough: TEAMWORK AND COMMUNICATION GO HAND IN HAND

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    • Do's and Don'ts of certain raids Ok, let's talk about the Vault of Glass. In the beginning, there are three sync plates we must prevent the vex from taking over. It's simple enough. Two people on each plate. However, should someone on their plate require help, speak up. If you die, we can most likely come and get you so you don't need to respawn at the beginning part. Once the spire has opened, we will converge on the chest and open it when everyone is there. Even if you don't need the materials. Now for defending the confluxes, I find this is the part that is most tricky when there is a lack of communication due to the vex easily overpowering someone and sacrificing themselves at the confluxes. The first part is a single conflux in the middle yet enemies will come every direction. We spilt up, usually two, two, two and help the center out if the enemies on either side has died down. When the templar summons its legions, there are hidden caves we go to. On the left there is a cave or all the way on top of a pillar. On the right, there is a small ledge. This ledge is most comfortable with three people on it. Even that can be much. As we get to two confluxes and eventually three confluxes, it is very easily for any side to get overwhelmed. Sometimes it is only the left side, if this happens, tell us. Someone will come to your aid. Do NOT tell us when you are almost dead or already dead. For the oracle part, if we are up top then have a sniper rifle. It is the best thing to use against them. If we are on the ground and you have weapons that do bonus damage to oracles, use that. If you do not, use the strongest primary weapon you have. Relic holders, if you have never used the relic before and would like to learn it, let us know and we can teach you the ropes. If you are using the relic but are experiencing lag/bugs, stop using it. Lags will cost us the fight. There are times when we will get marked by the oracles, should we not defeat them all in time, please do not run randomly around like a chicken with its head cut off. If you are marked, group together, and the relic holder will cleanse you. Relic holders need to communicate. If you are silent and have the shield, you will never pick it up again. Relic holders, when you go to take down the templars shield, tell us. When we are stuck in the force shield the templar throws at us, break us out. You will be faster and the rest of us can cause damage to the templar. The rest of us, when the templar's shield is down, ignore the harpies and focus on damaging the templar before he teleports. The relic holder will take care of the harpies in order to charge their super. Once the templar is down, we will be heading down. And there are the gorgons. It is better to work together at the gorgons because one false step and we will all die when spotted. There are three different paths to the next part. Depending on which one we use, stick together. Afterwards will be a jumping platform section. Not very hard and requires some patience. We can guide newcomers through. Now comes Atheon. Titans have defender active with weapons of light. Hunters have gunslinger because it can take care of the oracles faster. When the timestream portals open, two people must go into the portal. There is a gatekeeper we must destroy in order to get the relic. This must be done twice. Once we have the first relic, two people have to go to the middle and defend the conflux. There are minotaurs coming down constantly. And hobgoblins and goblins will be coming from behind. Once we draw out Atheon, he will teleport three people. If you are one of the people teleported, tell us where you are. Not five seconds later, but as soon as you can see where you are. If you see red, it's Mars, which is located on the left side. If there is greenery, then you are on Venus, which is right side. Teleported people, if you need help fighting the oracles, since there is only a given amount of time, say something. Someone will go in to help. If we succeed and get Time's Vengeance, we will all converge on the center platform. Titans, if you have your super, pop a bubble in the back. People walk through the bubble to pick up Weapons of Light while the relic holder has the shield up. Throw everything you can at Atheon. When the countdown is at 5 seconds, either get the hell out of the way or if the titan can, pop another bubble until Atheon teleports us again. With enough communation and the right teamwork, this raid is simple, fun, and fast.

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