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3/4/2015 6:13:40 PM

Hey DeeJ some words of wisdom...

Deej do me a favor and listen to all the community I've been loyal and always supported this game, your team has ignored the true matters of the game for the longest of time now and most of us have had enough. you insist on PvP and weapon nerfs and more crucible, hell I've actually look at your replies to post and most if not all replies have been about the app and PvP you ignore the fact that the entire dark below weapon set would be suited as drink coasters. I have seen more destiny players quit in such a short time then i have ever seen ever, if you want to consider ever having a destiny 2 with a player count of 1 million you need to listen up 1. actually make exotics feel like exotic, because i didn't just grind 6 weeks in the hard raid just to get a half ass arc weapon that shoots paper bullets 2. focus more on PvE or they will be the first people to go from this game 3.ENOUGH WITH THE WEAPON BALANCING 4.actually communicate with the destiny community that doesn't bitch and moan about everything 5.stop doing this news post about people we could not care less about 6. trading and and grimore in the game NOW because as i do recall it should have been in the game in the first place 7.redesign the system with xur because guess what he ONLY sells shit we never need because he has sold it over 400 times before 8.Queen's wraith....... enough said with that 9.take ascendant energy and shard out of the nightfall no one wants them 10.and finally how about community care packages for the players who actually still give 2 shits about this game; just because you play the game doesn't mean you like it. so if anyone gets the chance to read this including YOU DEEJ, say something that you want to happen with this game because the more support the more you reply with the more of a chance it might just happen.

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