To join Message killercrowder14 on Xbox live or leave gt below and follow him on Xbox live or you will not be invited must also be in game chat good luck: -p (this is on hard so you hafto be level 28 or higher or it won't let you join open 10 to 1 eastern standard and
Anyone got this now?
Hosting free Gorgons chest in 15 mins msg once and I'll invite spam messages you won't get in GT Big Mooreye
Please invite help a brother out lol
Ill do it but im lvl 25 warlock
Still available?
Gt v afrozzz invite if possible...?
Still open?
Edited by Huttese: 3/4/2015 8:00:55 AMEdited.
Looking for gorgon checkpoint hard or normal. Invite PotatoSaladBoii
Inv me pls gt sand
Edited by Calus Missing Normal Pills: 3/4/2015 7:38:43 AMInvite me gt: DeAdKiTtEnPIE
If anyone has the hard chest could they invite me please? :) GT: CrankyCroc
Invite same gt thanks
Anyone have the chest ? (Hard)
Anyone have gorgon cp hard for xbox 360
Anyone still have a cp
Anyone have chest still?
Chest please
Anyone got chest?
I'll have to join again with my other char. The one I did hasn't completed the normal mode yet.
Check point is closed for tonight see all you guardians tomorrow
Inv pls gt same
Check point will be closed on 10 minutes and will re open tomorrow at 6 o'clock eastern standard
Edited by JDAMS: 3/4/2015 6:11:53 AMI have the cp and still open. GT above
Invite aViD x LeGenDs