To join Message killercrowder14 on Xbox live or leave gt below and follow him on Xbox live or you will not be invited must also be in game chat good luck: -p (this is on hard so you hafto be level 28 or higher or it won't let you join open 10 to 1 eastern standard and
SprayingLeek lvl 31 titan
Invite me GT: xFullyPro
32 warlock. GT FatalConnection
Looking for cp gt Magic x Haze
Lvl 30 hunter gt same as above
YouTuber looking for GORGON CP invite "DWAT is King"
31 hunter invite schitzofrenix
Invite TSF Phoenix i need 3 gorgon cp plz
Need the check point for two of my characters
React Polar
LF gorg chest plz invite me gt same as above
I'm looking for gorgon cp inv XRAYDED Thx :-)
I have the cp but need to pick it up on 2 other characters. Will someone join me and take turns doing it please?
Hosting free Gorgons chest cp msg Big Mooreye for inv spam and you won't get in
Gorgon chest is closed until 6 pm
I need Gordon's chest inv please if you have it Gt is SOL Baaazuka
Looking for gorgone cp please add me
Anyone got this now?