I saw a few posts this week regarding boycotting destiny for a day in order to get a gjallarhorn...
Troll mode engage...
I think statistically, over 65% of players who have had the game since release have gjallarhorn...
Therefore I wouldn't be opposed to you guys who don't have it boycotting the game, maybe then I can find a competent raid team where I don't have to end up kicking weak links, the under-equipped, and trash players. I imagine I could get all 3 crota hard mode completions in 2 hours for once; rather than taking days to finish.
those who need to be carried are growing in numbers as they hit lvl 32, but still lack the weapons and ability to take on a lvl 33 raid without failing miserably and bringing the team down...
3 phrases I never want to hear again...
Phrase #1: no I don't have gjallarhorn, and my HOC isn't fully leveled.. I have a one way ticket 000 maxxed out though
My answer: You have a pellet gun sir, that is not a rocket launcher... KICK
Phrase #2: I don't have any heavy ammo synth
My answer: well go ahead and spend every cent of glimmer you have on getting some. If you need to farm glimmer, then get to it... NO, I will not wait for you to come back... First person who joins and is equipped is part of the team..
Phrase #3: I left my good weapons on my other character.
My answer: why were you stupid enough to jump into the most difficult end game content with a pea shooter? Go get your good guns, you have 5 minutes. Sending invites to prepared players now...
Seriously though, if you are under-equiped, under leveled, rocking sub-par gear or whatever. I ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE, DOES NOT WANT YOU IN OUR HARD RAID. in other words, keep on playing normal mode until you are capable of holding your own with the gear you earn along the way.
And stop trying to justify why you are not lvl 32, don't have decent or even maxxed weapons. You are not a destiny god, and you are IN FACT the weak link in the team. You're not better than a lvl 32 simply because "my skill level is higher than a lvl 32" even if you happen to be more capable than others, you are not capable of putting out 33% more damage than everyone else. Nor are you capable of not getting shot at all, and considering a single sword hit/boomer shot/ogre blast from a lvl 32 ANYTHING one shots you regardless, justifying skill is a null point anyways.
Git gud, git gjallarhorn... Noob
Edited by Sethpe: 3/13/2015 8:54:43 PMCompleted hard mode yesterday with a lvl 30, two lvl 31s and 3 lvl 32s. Only one gallarhorn in the fireteam and we beat it easily. It's about skill not levels or some stupid rocket launcher, so all I have to say is get good, our team was better than any "only 32" scrub
Couldn't agree more =D (But number 3 can now be solved with the ability to use the Vault with the App)
As the Dude said: "You're not wrong. You're just an a$$hole". Wouldnt it be simpler to say I prefer to raid with full 32 because of level instead of throwing a tantrum like that? Geez Louise. It's just a game.
Oh. But I [i]AM[/i] capable of putting out 33 percent more damage than everyone else. Ward of Dawn. Weapon of Light. Illuminated. Glasshouse. I don't need a Gjallerhorn (though it would be nice). It is your Gjallerhorns that need me!
Ehh who cares would rather play with players who have manners and know how to have fun on a game
It is very possible to two sword the hard raid look it up the combo is simple I have a sword bearer who can do it every time.
Before today Red Death has been the most rarest gun in the game. Many people needed it more than Ghorn.
Dry your eyes mate!
3 32's and no ghally ..... Do I care? Nope!
Crota can be done with any rocket launcher, if you NEED the ghally then your the noob!!! I still ain't got the ghally and I've got two characters and done Crota that many times I could do it in my sleep, learn to play with others...
All you need is a rocket launcher with tracking rounds...upgraded of course I also agree with having maxed weapons for raids...hate playing with people who use weapons that they just got(minimal damage) trying to do a hard raid
And this is why people purposely suck when they play with you. They know it bothers you. Saw a level 30 had finished crota hard and it was his primary. Your level point is moot. Skill more than makes up for lack of damage. They get consistent precision shots, they'll keep up. The synths? Really? -_- Heavy glitch. Learn it and teach it. That's your fault for not having taught them the heavy glitch. Hating for lack of synth has no place or reason. The last one? That I whole heartedly agree on. Destiny app can fix it but to know you're going into crota hard and leave your top stuff behind? Yeano. No excuse, even if it's able to be corrected.
You nailed it. No g-horn, no way you can complete the hard raid.
Edited by ParasiticFilth: 3/4/2015 3:03:06 AMMy answer to Phrase 1:- I can hit Crota with any rocket launcher with a high amount of velocity, as long as the swordbearer's count and the team are in sync. Gjallarhorn is simply a luxury item and a crutch for this raid. I have multiple Hard mode completions, including enough runs to get the Necrochasm, and still haven't had or employed a Gjallerhorn. If certain players require other players to have certain items, in order to raid with them; this should act as clear indicator of the caliber of player we are dealing with. Only scrubs need to have a perfect team assembled, in order to succeed. Phase 2: Yeah I don't want to hear that a player forgot their synths either. But I can deal with that, doing the heavy ammo glitch. Phase 3- with the new app features, this shouldn't be anyone's excuse. But a person should bring their best and leveled up stuff to any raid. You aren't gaining XP in any raids, so don't even think you're are leveling
Lol Damn, that was hilarious!
Get good enough to carry them brah
I think we may share a brain as I agree with everything you just said.
I love this guy.....If i see you shooting a HC in crystal room i will kick you because you were too stupid to buy Synths from Xûr.
Why does everyone rely on the GHorn, I got lucky the other week and got one, used it maybe twice and it's been sat in the vault ever since. It's ok but end of day it's a rocket launcher, if you need to rely on a launcher to kill Shit then you ain't skilled at all. Before anyone says I haven't even done raids yeah I know, I don't have time to spend hrs on raids and I rarely play anymore anyway but when I do I'd rather use primary or secondary to kill Shit not a launcher. In my experience it's the halo players that all go for the rocket launchers first. Learn to play and stop relying on RLs.
Edited by OvergrownRoom: 3/4/2015 7:37:12 PMmeh only piece of exotic anything I don't have is ghorn. I solo the normal and hard raid up to crota every week since hm launched and would of soloed crota on normal had I had ghorn. Anyway to bring my bragging to an end sometimes gear doesn't drop for people and it's very easy to tell who is and who isn't experienced. I know lots of people who have ghorn and are weak links in the raid team. Granted being a weak link in my team is like being good anywhere else but still it's all a matter of perspective. Get at me when you consistently take down crota on hard before ogres then you can say get good (oh and with every class not just your easy ride hunter). edit: lol can't believe I wasted my time with someone who has 3 of the same character and they aren't even all 32. I know u said troll mode engaged but damn this is a whole nother level of rtard
I'm not boycotting crap. I beat crota hm with no one having gally. One guy had some random rocket launcher that had tracking. We had no problem taking down crota. Why would I boycott cause I don't have a weopen I don't need. I understand if you need it though. So go ahead and boycott please. :)
Edited by MrLeprechaun: 3/4/2015 7:18:05 PMWe've 3-4 manned crota on hard.... Carried 27's through normal, 30's through hard... Oh, and 8 out of 10 times I and most of my team take no damage, at all, at crota...
Edited by HoodlessAssassin: 3/4/2015 7:06:23 PMUnfortunately this dude is right, it doesn't mater how skilful you are as a level 31 a shit level 32 will still do more damage, getting to the level cap in this game takes persistence an luck and nothing else. As for the ammo if you don't have synths don't go in the raid, a rocket launcher with no ammo is useless it doesn't matter which one it is. And as far as the gjallarhorn goes it's not needed for the raid any decent launcher with tracking will do. I hope in the next raid they make the majors and boss immune to solar damage just so it's not just all ghorns and ice breakers
Its OK, if your not good enough to make up for others shortcomings there are enough of us out in the destiny world that can.. Bring what you got we'll take care of crota