I dunno about anyone else, but I find it nearly impossible to find other gamers of the female variety, which sucks IMO.
So I figured why not make this to try find some and get talking to them and maybe even make more of a community. So yeah. :)
If you want people to add you, remember to say what console you're on. Otherwise it gets a little tedious and annoying. :)
I have 2 level 32 Titans and a 31 Warlock, and am on both 360 and xbone.
I'm more than happy to help people with either of the raids (normal or hard), nightfalls, heroics, strikes etc. and I do have mic.
Just send me a message if you need a hand.
Probably shouldn't be posting on here lol I'm a guy. Excuse gamertag. My friend that is a girl made it and then gave it to me for birthday present. But I'm getting tired of hearing yelling and the f bomb every 5 seconds. I'm not saying that girls don't do that but I'm just looking for nicer people. I'm not an asshole at all. I like to goof around and have fun but also play seriously at some points. If anybody wants to add me or message me. I'm on Xbox one Everyday. Gamertag is the same ^^