Entered an already in progress clash match on anomaly. My team was losing by about 7500 points, but it wasn't because they were bad at PvP. We simply couldn't shoot the enemy team. How is this possible? Well the enemy team consisted of three defender titans and two golden gun hunters and they were camping in one of the rock areas with three wards of dawn at all times and golden guns practically firing non stop. They weren't cheating however they weren't able to be harmed (excluding them leaving the spot). To me, this is on scale with the problem of entire teams equipped with only thorn and if this becomes commonplace, the crucible will go from being "balanced" to being a tremendous waste of time.
It's teamwork, kinda like getting a cheese raid team is teamwork. You can do it, and it's not really breaking any rules. Timing? Not really. Coordination? ("everyone's got their super up?" "Yeah:" "OK, hit it") not really that extensive. The hardest thing would be finding a team set up for it, and I'm sure if you really wanted to it wouldn't be that hard.