Ask me anything
Edit: I guess people need proof. Check out my ig: egod10
Edit: lol damn guys I was bored why all the hate ? Add me on ps4 though: N1KESWAG
For the record I also don't care about the hate comments. I will respond to everyone just not this second. I was bored. I don't take anything personal so I'm not phased at all by any hate comments. At the end of the day opinions don't matter. 1 semester away from my bachelors in criminal justice, so I know who I am and what I wish to accomplish. I just felt like making the post for ha ha's not because I think anyone actually cares about who or what I am. People need to not be so uptight and learn to live and relax.
Edit: lmao can't even make a light hearted topic without everyone acting as if I insulted their mothers. Enjoy life, it's too short to be mad on forums
Good for you! Let me know when you refer to as a person, like everyone else.
Thanks man now you got people doing this. Some white dude did this and now people are gonna call him racist too. Damn I love it.
Can Zi become yo chicken deala
Like we couldn't tell with a name like Nike swag lol
Who cares what colour you are!
Go get the bass guitar from your basement
I hope that wasn't you hangin' outside dr shin's with those droopy pants. Ain't got time for that.
Color means as much as which hand you write with Even bringing it into play as a reason for anything is.... [spoiler]real stupid shite[/spoiler]
Why do you people love menthol so much?
Cool cool
Congrats, you want cookie? I have plenty of black destiny playing friends. Good luck to you, my the white man have mercy on you
Jings.. really Is this were we are. Ebony and ivory an all that.
Are you actually gold?
Which jordons you got bro :)!
Is that a dead orbit shader!?!??!!!
I am a white Destiny player. ...... Just had a thought. It'd be cool if I knew how to make a hands shaking emoticon, but I don't. :-(
Amazing. Story brought a tear to my eye. So brave man. Keep up the good work.
Okay? I dont think that it matters. But um... Good job.
Who cares
How do you get BlackDestiny? Is that like a DLC?? #satire
How does it feel to not be allowed on trains?
Hey I'm white and play destiny, ask me anything guys :) Also if you wanna check my IG too for confirmation it's passthejj I could always use more followers lmaoooo
Do you like fried chicken with a side of watermelon enjoying a warm summers day from your stoop?