If you are kicking people for not meeting these requirements its you that needs to "git gud".
My raid group just beat the hard Raid with 3 31s and few ghorns with only a couple wipes. This is not to say you need to lower your standards quite as low but at least ease up on these stupid requirements.
If someone is having trouble beating the raid and doesnt meet those dumb ass reqs post here and hopefully I or another helpful guardian will aid you. Happy Hunting :)
Egzackly. When a group feel they can't run a raid with a lower level in there or someone without a Gjally, they're ignoring the obvious - that they aren't as good as they think. Our last hard mode Crota had only one Gjally being used, the rest were Dragon's Breath, Truth and a VG one. One of our guys was 31. One of us had no way of doing health-regen. You know what happened? It was fine because we all communicated and used skill. If anyone says you can't play for whatever reason, feel glad you weren't infected by their lame skillz