139 discipline means you xurned you HOTPF, your not "pro" nor are you allowed in my raids...
I earned my gear did you?
Edit: Your all bad..
Edit: filthy casual
Edit HoC Season 3 is up it's been fun check the spoilers kiddos
Edit: We are trending...
Edit: I'm a massive sack of flaming dog excrements.
You know strength doesn't actually make you stronger the discipline is what you want it's a chest piece that decreases cool downs as in spamming grenades which is exactly where you would want discipline stay in crucible you belong together not much thought process needed
I'm not inviting you to a party :( anyone else want to come :P
I actually got mine from a drop yesterday
I highly enjoy your username
I think mines 139... Shit... and I was lucky to get it in a drop...
170 HoTPF here!
Mines only 122.. Shit.
Hows meleeing crota working for you with all that stre gear? [spoiler]lol you cant be worse[/spoiler]
HoPF is useless anyways. :I
No one earns gear you wanker
Nice troll.
Like you dont buy stuff at xur when you really wanted it for some time.. And it is the only exotic i was missing for the warlock. [spoiler]aaaaaaaaaaand here is a tear bucket[/spoiler]
But earned and xurned rhyme. That's good enough for me
This is a repost but "Earned and Xurned rhyme and that's good enough for me." Besides you ain't my dad
Well even though you are trolling. My two hopf have 150 and 156 discipline.
Your tags brought a good topic.[quote]is deej a bird?[/quote]
lol, filthy casual. We do not buy it to use it, but to praise the sun.
I earned mine but it was one that only went to 30 light so im buying it again and dismantling my other one for the exotic shard #earned
Actually, I've had my praxic fire since like 3rd week after launch, it has 139 disc. I dont even use it much though so whatever
Lol had mine for 3 months, I had the original 1.0 and I upgraded mine to 139 when Xur had the upgrade, and the one Xur is selling is 139 -_-
I earned 3 last week. [spoiler]When Xur sold chest engrams ;)[/spoiler]
I earned mine from an exotic engram. Then dismantled it, because i won't touch no filthy warlocks.
I earned mine and it has less Discipline :(