Entered an already in progress clash match on anomaly. My team was losing by about 7500 points, but it wasn't because they were bad at PvP. We simply couldn't shoot the enemy team. How is this possible? Well the enemy team consisted of three defender titans and two golden gun hunters and they were camping in one of the rock areas with three wards of dawn at all times and golden guns practically firing non stop. They weren't cheating however they weren't able to be harmed (excluding them leaving the spot). To me, this is on scale with the problem of entire teams equipped with only thorn and if this becomes commonplace, the crucible will go from being "balanced" to being a tremendous waste of time.
Don't play their little game. I do the same thing for camping snipers if I'm not in the mood for a sniper duel. Make them come to you.
All it takes is one vortex nova bomb. Don't just keep rushing in. Keep back and grab a high impact sniper. They can't go to far from the bubble. That's the weakness.
You say exploit they were rewarded for working together not just with winning but constant super as well sounds legit to me
We did this again wolf, and a team working together stopped it. It really is beatable
Super builds and orb chains are no exploit....just smart play. However, when a score is 0-0 and a titan throws a super a gets team kill, he's got a j-tag or something... I've seen it...and it isn't fun.
So one nova bomb and they're all dead? Seems okay to me
Oh no, crucible players arecsyarting to realize this game is not call of duty and are using the supers the way they are meant to be used. How dare they
We have gone 18-1 with this strategy, we need one or two Titans to replace someone who had to go. Xbox 360. Anybody in?
Not an exploit if you are using the games mechanics. It's just a strategy
Orbs will prob get taken out of PvP now, or at least the amount that they charge your super will decrease. Just cause it's never been done before and now it's everywhere. Sucks cause picking up orbs during the game is obviously how it's meant to be played. Follow around the golden gun eating his orbs, then using your super to make more for him. Or going in to a flag after a titan has just smashed everyone. People are getting better at making / using orbs effectively in PvP now I think just cause of HM crota. Shame it will get fixed. Like did you notice how quick they were to fix the shoot to loot perk? Really Bungie?
Edited by YouKnowYouLoveMe: 2/27/2015 9:23:52 AMHEY! You were playing us! I was wondering if anyone would post about it. BTW there were 4 defender titans and 2 golden guns. It is beatable, as we lost a round today to a group that did a good job of stopping us. Let's just make sure it was us. We're they putting the bubble in a corner by the diamond hallway and the open area that leads to 'C'? In the area where there are rocks?
It might seem funny at first but what this will end up doing is have people complain about it enough to were bungie will be forced to make another update to take out orbs of light out of PVP AND while they are at it they will probably also nerf auto rifles one more time
Golden gun, a shot or two, bubble gone. Another solution?? Golden gun the hunters when they emerge from the bubble before they shoot. Final solution? Give a poor player review on Xbox profiles of them lacking skill as well as on their bungle profile. Otherwise, not much you can do dude. not without totally changing up the classes and basically reworking the entire game. Personally, I take it as a personal challenge and one of pride to pick them off and then keep the one I get seperated from his group. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I get a five kill streak from the same guy
Edited by Deathstroke INC. YT: 3/2/2015 1:13:50 AMThats a common thing going around since the vid went up on YouTube of its effectiveness BUT what people don't do is the easiest thing to do. Stay away. Literally go to the other end of the map and watch them sit their waiting for nothing no points earned nothing. Put up a few snipers if they try to head your way, if they spot you kill them and relocate never giving them something to shoot at. If I enter a match and I am not doing damage to and enemy due to game error do I stay in the game hell no because I am feeding a skilless player with points he/she doesn't deserve. Enter chat and advise your team to control the out come or to all quit then they win with zero points which isn't really a victory but funny for you.
That is owning some shit!! Good teamwork with the right gear can make us all look silly. Sucks to be on the receiving end of the beating though.
That's not a exploit... You know the orbs that are dropped by activating the bubble. They pick it up.
Well played
Which map did they do this tactic? That sounds like a very impressive strategy.
This is a known strategy, I believe bungie is looking into it.
Don't engage??? Wait till they come out,??
played pvp lastnight same thing happened to me, they destroyed our team with legit tactics, good team
Me personally.. I'd Vortex/Nova bomb them, not a warlock? Aftershock/Fist of Havoc them ( From Above even, if you have too. With Helm of Inmost.) or.. If your neither of those. Then your screwed. Oh wait! That's right Hunters can blade dance them all, or golden gun their bubbles! Then you've made them respawn and split their team up. Now be good and kill them before they re group. Needless to say this sounds like a great, and fun strategy. So great that you thought it was an exploit. I think I'll try this soon. Have a good day!
It's teamwork, kinda like getting a cheese raid team is teamwork. You can do it, and it's not really breaking any rules. Timing? Not really. Coordination? ("everyone's got their super up?" "Yeah:" "OK, hit it") not really that extensive. The hardest thing would be finding a team set up for it, and I'm sure if you really wanted to it wouldn't be that hard.
This isn't an exploit, it's damn good teamwork. I mean it sucks if you're on the receiving end of it, but there's something to be said for a team that came to win and know exactly how to do it without server lag, glitches, or any of that nonsense. Personally If it were me, I'd stop feeding them kills and just stay clear of their hardened Titan made orb dropping doomsday bunker. Sure that match is gonna suck, you may end up having to wait until the timer is up or maybe the opposition will start to get antsy and move about. But it's a single match. When it's over you can just return to orbit, re enter, and hope you don't run into those cool cats again. Or maybe take notes on their strategy, build your own team, and dominate! The game is only as fun as you want it to be, just sit back and laugh at the bad matches, cheer for the good ones, and have a good time! Party on Garth!
This is not an exploit, it's teamwork. Sure it sucks to be on the receiving end, but rather than feed them kills, stay outta their range and wait for 'em to get impatient and chase after you.
Dude I understand how a team who communicates, equips the proper gear, and utilizes it to it's fullest can crush another team. But this is not the first time someone has posted about this. So let's be perfectly clear. It's not an exploit. Get a group of friends together and if you manage the communication and timing, you'll pull off amazing gameplay. But until then, players should stop complaining about teams who play, practice, communicate, and slam PVP matches. Cause it's complaints like this that mislead developers (who already make bad decisions) into second guessing something's wrong. Now, I've been respectful in this response. Don't display immaturity. There's enough of that on theses forums.