Especially Auto Rifle users.
The reasons for the weapon fix are explained in, funnily enough, the Weapon Fix Update. It's really not that hard to find.
But if you are that lazy:
To date, Auto Rifles and Hand Cannons are being used outside of their intended range. They are ideal at close to medium range, and currently they are outperforming Scout and Pulse Rifles at distance.
Auto Rifles damage fall-off will happen sooner, and range is decreased.
The 2% drop in damage for Auto Rifles is to bring the TTK in time with other primaries. It doesn't seem like that much, and at close range you won't even notice it. But at further range, the damage reduction will work with the damage fall-off to give the opposing player time to counter, especially if they have a ranged weapon.
You'll have to be close to medium range [i]to efficiently use your close to medium range weapons.[/i]
I switch between all weapons, and I used Pulse Rifles a lot since launch. I think the Fix is justified.
I don't like that PVP dictates PVE. Make the stats changed upon entry of crucible and the problem is resolved. This whole nerf thing is ridiculous to people who kill AI beings. This has been a terrible first impression of the 10 years of Destiny. This kind of stuff destroys MMO's because they only focus on PVP.. Had hopes Bungie would get it right but they obviously are way off the mark. Only another MMO player will understand this unfortunately.