The first 2 sections are easy to solo for hunters with invisibility perks. Building the bridge is also easy for a 1 or 2 man team. One goes past the bridge, hides behind a pillar, warlocks stays back to get killed, thrall despawn, warlock self res, snipe down the ogres. Easy to get all the rewards by doing those two sections every week. On occasion even Ir Yut can be solo'd. And for those who are truly blessed with patience, even Crota can be solo'd. This raid is not an actual feat, it's basic and it's always funny to see elitists Raiders boast about this one. VoG was an actual feat imo soloing it is near impossible. Crota is the poor man's raid.
I can solo the whole raid on normal. Vog is harder. Ce is just a let down
You don't have to complete it. People can still cheese the lamp section and get gloves and other armor to drop, though gauntlets are the ones that drop most of the time.
Yeah I got the post now, I thought he ment he hit 32 without taking part in the raid at all, through iron banner gear or something but now I understand lol
I have raid gear (a few pieces) but haven't completed the raid from start to finish think he is trying to brag about cutting corners