My team beat last weeks nightfall in under 10 minutes. How fast do you think we can beat this one?
Here it is guys, almost under 7 minutes. Message Pacster 1983 and I if you want help completing the nightfall.
1 min
How did you cheat to get it done in 10 min?
If you can beat Omniwhore in ten minutes you can beat Rockets McDickface in under ten. It took me about half the time this week as last week just because there's fewer waves of crap to have to deal with. Kill scores last week had everyone over 100 kills easy. Here it's 30-40 maybe. Way faster. Still wish there was a burn. Even solar would be better than none.
My friend Pacster 1983 will be streaming this later this afternoon, I will post time later, looks like it should be under 10 minutes though. Also I am on Xbox One and willing to help anyone who wants it after completing our speed runs.
Under 15, me and a friend did it in approx. 15 min yesturday ! (no I don't have Ghorny)
I think it'll take you 26 hours.
I know the random group I was in was near 15 minutes, it depends if you have the normal or yellow bar psions. With normal, I'd say you could break 10 mins.
This one was much less time consuming than last week's. I'll say under 10 minutes easily.
Don't care
You mean no more than 10 minutes in your title i think.
you must be legend to beat Omnigul in under ten minutes.