Hi there,
this probably sounds dump (I admit that I'm still a noob), but what can I do in Destiny now?
Seems like the story is through and I'm still going to take missions online etc but the level up process is very slow, I'm still on level 23. I see everybody doing raids and stuff but I don't have a PS+ membership :-( Would it help leveling if I played the story mode once again? Or did I miss anything fun to do? Or is the most fun only for PS+ members?
Without a ps+ account is there anything you can do to earn marks? Your pretty much screwed if you can't earn marks to level up.
How did you play destiny without having PS plus. The game is online only. ????
How have you managed to get all the updates and possibly the dlc without a ps plus account?? You must have a ps plus account to play destiny as most of it's information is stored online.
Edited by Golf Klap: 2/23/2015 10:39:01 PMJoin a faction and do bounties and raids, best use of time in my opinion.
Raids are the best part of the gm (when glitching is minimal) and by not having a ps plus account u are missing alot plus to get raid armor and weapons.
Doing strikes and completing bounties is the fastest and most fun way to go about leveling up. You'll have to buy legendary gear or just get lucky and have it drop for you in order to level up your light level. There is definitely some fun on ps+ though.
I would say do bounties and strikes to increase your rep and get marks with vanguard and/or crucible. You can get to level 31 with the legendary gear they sell.
Do strike missions do vanguard Bounty's get it to 2 and buy there gear and then find some good ppl to do raids with and get that gear hope this help