This post is so brain dead it's ridiculous. NEVER USE Grenades, OR SUPERS OR ROCKETS ON ATHEON. Grenades and rockets cause Atheon to move making it harder to crit him. And fully upgraded sniper does WAY more damage with a crit than a super or gernade or jelly horn. Icebreaker and black hammer shots crush atheon. ( crits only). Please do your HW before you post. Defender titan should be the only one using his super for weapons of light & maybe one gunslinger hunter continuously using his super to be shooting the floaty things that blow up ( haha I cannot remember their names ) . But don't listen to this guy people, sniper crits down atheon the fastest with the highest DPS.
Daddy what's HW mean?
If you don't believe the black hammer DPS is highest check the world record!
Gallys DPS is higher is 5 or more firing simultaneously with enough ammo is higher DPS than SNIPERS. If you had 5 black hammers criting he gets dropped in one portal run... Snipers are safer as well but my main point is never ever strictly use your supers.
Lol don't use rockets? Please find any other method that kills atheon on hard in 1 portal run not using rockets
5+ black hammers does the job!
I'd like to see that
OK, you got me, to be honest though I didn't doubt it was possible with the white nail, and black hammer already being a monster
I can get 4 ballerhorn hits on him in one teleport so it's definitely effective. Other than that icebreaker seems to be the best.
Edited by Falco: 2/23/2015 6:34:12 PMI agree with everything but Gjallarhorn. I've seen a video where a full team of Gjallarhorns take atheon down in 17 seconds from full health. Never have I seen a full team of snipers do the same. Edit: sorry only four of them were using Gjallarhorn
Damn vex and hardlight in the same drop!
His drop was insane
Wow I've never seen this, impressive
Even if you crit an icebreaker or black hammer I still don't think it does as much damage as a gjallahorn shot
It's very close, the thing is GALLY is only two shots then reload. Sniper is usually 6 and black hammer can be unlimited. The total damage you get from a session on atheon is more with a sniper due to more shots faster rate of fire and more ammo. Plus we won't move and your teammates can crit him as well
Only way gjally does more damage is if you have 5 collectively firing on him, but it's sniper all the way fri be as I don't have one!
Best method! But you also forget that not everyone has good guns against oracles. That's the $h-it storm i hate the most. If we cant down oracles fast enough. Atheon will be a pain due to weapon loadouts. For some people that don't have good weapons for oracles, I recommend them to use Arc fusion rifles which in turn cant equip snipers, thus using rocket launchers
Way too long Did not wrong You are wrong Use supers down in 10 sec Watch video for proof
Wtf are you even saying man, Titans have no super to hit atheon, locks usually have their res super for no wiping purposes? Your not the smartest bud. Sniper crits have higher DPS then ANY super.
I'm not sure he's even been in the vault!