I've been playing a lot of older titles. I haven't been interested too much in recent releases, and I personally [i]need[/i] to play games.
I'm currently playing through Persona 3 FES and Final Fantasy 8. I had just finished Persona Q and I tried Monster Hunter 4, but it was meh.
So, what are you currently playing? How far are you into this playthrough? Is it your first playthrough?
Dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin. :,(
Turtle [spoiler]I like turtles[/spoiler] [spoiler]:)[/spoiler]
Terraria and a bit of Wynncraft. I have played a bit of Halo Reach with my friend though.
HoTS BF4 (PC) 2k15 (xb1) Fifa 15 (xb1)
Sunset overdrive
Toukiden still. On and off on ESO, to help with guild management. Terraria soon and then probably Oneechanbara.
Destiny, Gmod, MKX, Dying light :D
SF5 beta title screen.
Destiny and GTA Online. When im not shooting at cabal,vex,crota,atheon,etc... I'm chillin in San Andreas.
Mainly Witcher 3 and Destiny.
Destiny Borderlands 2 Rocket League Warframe
Destiny and postal 2
I've been playing through the gears of war campaigns. I don't have the first one though. I do have gears a of war 2, 3, and judgement
Destiny most of the time. Then assassins creed series. And mw2 and mw3 (quick scoping master)
Games me playing are the one where you visit other planets and shoot things, the one where you drive around a city and shoot things, and the one where you travel the world exploring tombs....and shoot things
Killing floor 2 on pc. Early access but still fun as -blam!-
Eso , witcher 3 only just started both
Tomb raider kameo
Halo mcc
Terraria 1.3, Geometry Dash, FNaF4 (It's new), Town of Salem
I'm thinking about getting a copy of the newest persona its supposed to be something special.
Rodina and I just picked up Doom 3 BFG Edition and The Talos Principle, so I'll be playing those for a while now.
D3RoS. Gta V. Bloodborne.
Switching between Destiny, Rocket League, Bloodborne, and Borderlands 2.
Unfortunately destiny and battlefield hardline