I've been playing a lot of older titles. I haven't been interested too much in recent releases, and I personally [i]need[/i] to play games.
I'm currently playing through Persona 3 FES and Final Fantasy 8. I had just finished Persona Q and I tried Monster Hunter 4, but it was meh.
So, what are you currently playing? How far are you into this playthrough? Is it your first playthrough?
Stella Glow next. I've been playing Harvest December on 3DS.
Was playing Fallout 4 to take a break from Disgaea 5. That was until I found a nasty bug that makes progress impossible.
eviF olaH
Started Divinity Original Sin on PS4, great game so far.
Destiny minecraft story mode tf2 boring man
Witcher 3, God Of War 3, soon will be modded Skyrim and Star Wars battlefront
Need for speed most wanted, destiny, far cry 3
Smash brothers, destiny, undertale and splatoon.
Disgaea is as life consuming as the previous ones. Good, good.
DCS World: LOUD NOISES and dying on landing simulator This is game is not a game, it's pretty much classwork.
Eh. I would say mostly disgaea 5 and splatoon lately. Been slacking on keeping up with my animal crossing town, and wish I could devote time to mh4u. But new disgaea.
Star Wars battlefront
life, i'm playing the game of life. currently i'm at the stage where you work two jobs and have school yet somehow squeeze just enough time in to play video games
Completed Tales of Zestiria. Time to devote my life to Disgaea 5.
College, I'm playing college. .-.
SOMA, about 2 hours in, first time I've gotten this far in a game by Frictional (I have amnesia but only for custom stories.) So far I've died once, fear quit once, computer has overheated twice, and I've had 3 close calls Now I'm off to explore the CURIE...Hooraaaay....
Disgaea 5, I've always loved the disgaea series. So when this new one came out. You can bet I bought a copy and got right into playing it.
Destiny and 2k16
Edited by Friendlystu: 10/19/2015 8:14:36 PMWitcher 3 Heart of Stone probably play Tales of Zestira when its out
Destiny, replaying the persona series
ESO destiny & madden
Just dusted off The Secret World, Star Trek Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic. They all have new content coming in the next week or two. More than enough to hold me over while waiting for Fallout 4 and battlefront to drop.
Replaying all the Pokemon games
Destiny, the witcher 3. Need to finish evil within akumu mode