I can already see it...
after 1.1.1. drops, I'll search with my brother in the Weekly Heroic. We'll get matched with some docile player who will contribute 2 kills and mooch the completion off of us.
The rewards screen will reveal 2 legendary engrams for the random and blues for my brother and I. And the rage will ensue.
Here's the thing, there needs to be a [b]'vote to kick'[/b] option in all match-made game types in Destiny. It's not fun to watch someone mooch rewards off of your efforts.
Before Bungie rolls out any more match-made services, I think that V2K should be integrated -- does anyone else agree?
Edit 1:
As V2K is unfavorable due to abuse, would anyone like to see opt-in/ out for Match-made features?
AC Unity does this through its co-op missions and heists -- Public v Private.
Edit 2:
Some replies have suggested that a simple AFK timer would be more appropriate.
Ie. All players have 5 minutes to enter the Darkness Zone after 1 player enters it.
I like the opt in/out option. It should be for all strikes. Campaign and Vanguard. If I want to run it alone that should be my choice. I had some one run to the Respawn Restricted zone, die on purpose to pull us to them (we like to kill the minions of the darkness btw), then after the cut menu and respawn, they leave the strike. I was glad they left but what was the point? Just to stop me from getting kills?