I can already see it...
after 1.1.1. drops, I'll search with my brother in the Weekly Heroic. We'll get matched with some docile player who will contribute 2 kills and mooch the completion off of us.
The rewards screen will reveal 2 legendary engrams for the random and blues for my brother and I. And the rage will ensue.
Here's the thing, there needs to be a [b]'vote to kick'[/b] option in all match-made game types in Destiny. It's not fun to watch someone mooch rewards off of your efforts.
Before Bungie rolls out any more match-made services, I think that V2K should be integrated -- does anyone else agree?
Edit 1:
As V2K is unfavorable due to abuse, would anyone like to see opt-in/ out for Match-made features?
AC Unity does this through its co-op missions and heists -- Public v Private.
Edit 2:
Some replies have suggested that a simple AFK timer would be more appropriate.
Ie. All players have 5 minutes to enter the Darkness Zone after 1 player enters it.
Honestly haven't had any problems yet. It's still early though
There needs to be an option to opt out of matchmaking. Some of us actually like to solo or two man these strikes. My friend and I make a hell of a team as a defender and Sun singer. We are walking orb factories and the last thing we need is some random screwing up our routine and mooching off our hard work.
I didn't read any replies, so I'm not sure if anyone has said this, but how did you do it before? Did you look for someone through this forum's recruitment section or Destinylfg? Did you two man it with just you and your brother? Either way, it seems like you can do it the way you were already doing it. That said, I don't like AFKers in my group either. You can always leave and restart matchmaking though.
No V2K. Just make MM optional.
I like the AFK timer but have had guys that would go to each checkpoint and just hang out until we moved on. For someone that is AFK he was trying pretty hard
The only problem is lets say you get into a weekly heroic and the other 2 people in your game are friends and their 3rd buddy gets on they vote to kick you and now your butthurt bc someone jacked your rewards [spoiler]sorry about my spelling/grammar[/spoiler]
If you grind strikes, heck if you pay Destiny you should know that this was coming with matchmaking. People not helping, people AFK at the beginning, it's going to be a nightmare. I just hope they don't implement it on Nightfall. A vote to kick option wouldn't work either, it'll get abused. Maybe something like most kills etc would work.
Yeah I agree with a vote to kick, if you see someone afk you can kick him and get someone who will actually contribute
Got stuck with two 27's -_- they tried I'll give them that but that really sucked because I was the only one doing any damage, would of left but I didn't want to be a jerk
Umm it's too hard? Just spent a couple of hours in there trying to defeat old Taurus or whatever his name is. We never could do it. Had to quit - my hands and arms were tired from gripping the controller like a maniac.
Edited by IMADAJ: 2/22/2015 10:47:24 PMRECRUITMENT PAGE SOLO Guy: LFG need two AFKers. AFK Guy: LFG need someone to solo. Everyone else can use MM. . . . Problem Solved. Edit: and for the record I have done both lfg and soloed the weeklies. I don't do AFKers though. They get reported, blocked, sparrow killed, and I leave to find someone else.
I like the opt in/out option. It should be for all strikes. Campaign and Vanguard. If I want to run it alone that should be my choice. I had some one run to the Respawn Restricted zone, die on purpose to pull us to them (we like to kill the minions of the darkness btw), then after the cut menu and respawn, they leave the strike. I was glad they left but what was the point? Just to stop me from getting kills?
I see what your saying but the flaw with V2K is that what if your right about to finish a strike and 2 people of your FT is in a fire team then they V2K you right before you killed the final enemy
The problem with this idea is that wether you kicked him or not it would make no difference. You and your brother wouldn't get any help either way and you would likely would just get those blue engrams still. So really it doesn't make much difference.
My question would be if myself and two friends were playing and one gets an error code or kicked for some reason, would they be able to rejoin or would their spot be filled with a random before they could get back in? Also I think there should be an opt in/out option for match making.
I don't think voting to kick will work unless they make strikes 4 man teams instead of 3. I mean if two kids are in a strike and know each other and I'm the random they could be immature and kick me right at the end for no reason. All my hard work turned to nothing becuz of stupid people. An afk timer sure, but not a vote unless again, it's at least 4 people.
Opt in/out would be my preference. V2k can be abused by trolls.
An AFK timer will work wonders.
My only problem with the voting to kick people is that there will be a possibility that 3 people will run a weekly strike, make it to the end, and then one person gets kicked for no reason, and will receive no rewards and will have to run the strike all over again. Or, again, one person gets kicked so the other two people can invite another one of their friends in and receive a reward for doing nothing at all. I would rather just find some people on the forums than have a matchmaking system for these strikes.
Who does weekly heroics anymore anyway? I'm pretty sure only reason bungie added matchmaking is so people could afk them...
Bump like an erection post-viagra.
Simple solution: if you realize that you've been matched with an AFKer, leave before you get far in and try again. Having to spend an extra 2 minutes finding a matches worth it to me if it means more people will be able to do the weekly. But yeah, a vote kick function would be even better.
I have to disagree. The weekly heroic is a face roll and is so blatantly easy that I can't imagine one AFK player disrupting your experience. I guess for me it is not a big deal since I've been soloing the weekly for months now.
I'd like the idea it was only possible in the first 5 minutes. It would still be abused, but not as much I'd think.
Problem with matchmaking in the weeekly is now we can't spool one up and have our clanmates join us. Sometimes not everyone is ready and now we will all have to be ready at the same time. It's a small issue that I can live with. Not everybody has a clan and or friends to play with and this wi help them so I am ok with it.
Vote to kick gets abused so much on WoW. I don't wanna see how this community greats it :(. Rather than that they just need an opt in or out function to matchmaking.