I just got 5 chest engrams trying for Praxic fire. I had 132 motes. Crest of Alpha Lupi, Crest of alpha lupi, crest of alpha lupi, crest of alpha lupi, HEART OF THE PRAXIC FIRE. I swear, I was going to quit the game if I didn't get it. I am so happy. I have been trying to get this chest since day 1 and it didn't exist on my game till now. Cryptarch was trolling me so hard but then gave me the thing I wanted. I actually like Destiny more now because my character is complete. I can now build my sungsinger with radiant skin. This chest is so awesome. =D
PS: I am so happy so try not to ruin my fun. I am the person who was going to burn my disc last time when I wasted everything on ib.
Then I guess you can max a exotic up in one day