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2/21/2015 11:25:31 PM

Are things too expensive?

Too expensive! Lower prices!


You're just cheap! Shut up!


I think glimmer and marks are the only 2 materials that are [b][u][u]EXTREMELY[/u][/u][/b] over priced. I find it obnoxious that if I want to upgrade or buy something, I have to walk around like Scrooge McDuck, hoarding the game's current currency for 2 weeks, with glimmer/marks leaking from every orifice. Getting these materials isn't hard because you can farm for them. But this process becomes beyond repetitive and boring each time you have to go get these materials. I find it freaking ridiculous that we need to spend nearly 1k glimmer for [b][i][u]ONE[/u][/i][/b] heavy ammo! Are you kidding me?! I mean you can save up your strange coins and buy ammo from Xur (which is what I did). But it doesn't excuse the fact that it's so expensive. I wish some aspects of Destiny would be cheaper, like upgrading and purchasing items. You shouldn't have to feel like you have been robbed every time you use your currency. [b][u]Suggestions[/u][/b] Maybe make factions or quarter masters' cheaper each time you progress. To prevent items for eventually becoming free, their can be a minimum price that anything could be sold at. Perhaps the gunsmith and Eris should sell packs of ammo like xur does. A small pack for a small amount of currency (black wax idols or glimmer) Or a large pack for a larger amount of currency (black wax idols or glimmer).

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