Alright so this is the first time were recruiting, at the moment we are just a bunch of friends in a clan BUT we are hoping to expand and get more members, we currently have 1st, 13th, 15th 26th 46th, and 48th in the world for control in the clan, so we need more people who are really strong at PVP, its not a simple send request get in type of deal, we will bring you into our team when we see you online and see if you are what we are looking for, we are trying to become a serious clan, we are on every day and we do both raids on hard every week, if you need any more information feel free to add/message II D3ATH5 II on xbox live. Thanks (Xbox 360) (i will check k.d/win ratio before anything else)
Interested fosho
Im hard can i join
which console 360 or one?