The thing keeps dropping everywhere, from Xur to Nightfalls to PvP...
Lower it's weighted drop rate...
Raise hard light/thunderlord/etc. You have the stats on which guns are owned/not owned.
Stop lying to your fans.
Yep - I have received more NLB's and UR's than any other exotic weapon in this game. I got the UR from my first two runs in the raid I actually thought it was a garunteed drop - didn't realize no one else in my crew got such a shitty weapon. :/ My favorite though it getting an exotic from a NF [b]that you just used in the NF[/b] - always a nice kick in the balls when RNGesus says "Hey bud, you did so well with [INSERT EXOTIC HERE] I decided to give you another one" Bungie programmed RNGesus with extra trolling goodness