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Edited by UndeadBeast: 2/20/2015 3:43:24 PM

Kid and Kermit Situation

For all of you people that are discussing this retarded topic and who are all quick to defend this 'innocent' little child. Number one: Kid is too -blam!-ing young to be playing destiny. Number two: Kid thought he was going to get away with cheating. Number three: Kid was going to violate terms and cheat the system. Number four: Your not innocent just because your a young kid. You guys need to look at the facts before you assume that Kermit is the bad guy here. Tbh, id do the same -blam!-ing thing Kermit did. Guess what, not only did it teach the little kid a life lesson that if you cheat on ANYTHING there WILL be consequences. And some sense of -blam!-ing morality. Thank you, had to get this off my chest. Edit 1: yall so salty lmao Edit 2: were trending now ;) Edit 3 (Important): people listen please, this thread was simply so I could let people know that there is good to be taken from this situation. Kermit may be an asshole and may have no sense of morals. But this young kid can really take a life lesson from this. If you need the lesson to be explained then hats your problem. Before you try to discourage me and insult me and Kermit right away. Think about it please. I'm not trying to offend anyone. And I'm open to respond to valid arguments.

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  • I'm just here looking for heavy ammo synthesis.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by InvictusManneo: 2/20/2015 6:11:57 AM

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    • Your sense of morality is twisted.

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    • So 'undead beast' the kid is totally blame, the 11 year old child who listened to an adult convince him that he knew a really cool glitch to help get his character to 32. So 'undead beast' the kid deserves the full troll and venom of this community for this stupid decision because this is the best way to educate children. The sheer toxic and nasty hatred that floods this game and forum has finally gotten to me. To all the horrible trolls, cyber bullies and grown adults who should be protecting and not hurting, F.U.C.K YOU!

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      9 Replies
      • Alright. Destiny is rated T. This kid is 11. Are you telling me that you never have played a T game before you were a teenager or an M game before you were 17? Yeah, I didn't think so.

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        1 Reply
        • Get off your high horse. Number one: There's WAY worse shit kids see everyday on standard TV. There's zero gore. I assume the T rating is only because you kill things ... Which happens in almost any video game. Number two: You know you've exploited a glitch or cheesed something. Everyone has. Hypocrite. Number three: See number two. Kermit IS the bad guy here. Period. He prayed on a young kid's trust. He didn't do it to teach him a lesson. He did it to be a dick, and you know it. People like him (and apparently you) are why you can't trust anyone. If you think that's a good thing, you're seriously -blam!-ed up.

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          5 Replies
          • What's with all these -blam!- heads saying he is to young. I was playing halo at 10 Jesus people get your heads out of your asses and stop defending a -blam!- waffle.

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            • I feel bad for any one with a PSN name Kermit. The PSN name in the video was KirmitTHEfrog that with an I not an E. On top of that, the game is rated T for Teen. Not D for douchebag. Even if you wanted to help the kid out. Sure he learned a lesson. But there's no trading. This game teaches anti social behavior. Just read the forums scream every Friday about Xur. Oh yeah and if you read Bungie's comment on this story. None of our characters are backed up. Go ahead read it, last paragraph right here

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            • I agree, but the punishment could've been a lot less harsh.

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              • The kid paid the consequences for his actions. Lost two characters and all the time associated with that. Lost who knows how any exotics. He paid for his actions. Now kirmitthefrog should pay for his actions too.

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              • I'm noticing that the same people who say they EARNED their loot are the same people who say "WHEN I WAS A KID I NEVER DID STUPID THINGS THIS KID DESERVED IT, LOL HIS TEARS ARE FUNNY"

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                • Regardless,what he did was not cool at all. How'd you feel if your characters were deleted?

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                  20 Replies
                  • Can anyone send me the link to what started this all?

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                    3 Replies
                    • I wouldn't go as far as to say it was deserved. There's easier ways to teach lessons. Guy was a troll. That said I can't have much sympathy. As a parent, my child has to know you don't try to cheat, nor do you trust a stranger on the internet. If this happened to my kid where she gave a stranger access to her PS4, I would be restricting online access for a while. Possibly a few years.

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                      4 Replies
                      • 1. Dude a dickhead for deleting stuff 2. Kid shouldn't have been online or on destiny and got hit with instant karma for trying to cheat 3. Mom needs to realize she's at fault for letting her young son play online and games he's clearly proven he's not ready for

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                        • Crybaby

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                        • It doesn't change the fact he's a kid We would've done the same What Kermit did was a twisted and cruel thing Why don't you see that Yeah he tried too cheat but it doesn't change the fact he's a kid Kermit should be banned

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                          8 Replies
                          • So you think this Kermit guys goal was to teach this kid a lesson? He's doing this to anyone's account he can by tricking them to grant him access. I don't have the link, but he did the same thing to a girl in December who wasn't cheating.

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                          • Number one: No he was not. Number two: Thinking something does not make you guilty. Number three: Entrapment. Also the glitch did not exist.

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                            11 Replies
                            • The logic in this is so retarded. He wouldn't know any better kids are kids, don't act like you were perfect. Is it right for hours of dedication to be gone in seconds? If this was your kid you would be acting differently. Assholes like you need to get the hell out of this world.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Regardless of the fact that the kid was attempting to glitch, it is still a TERRIBLE thing to do to someone. Sorry, that guy is a scumbag and deserves to be banned. Seriously, you think you would do the same thing? That's the definition of a -blam!-ing scumbag. Seriously I don't get how people don't have any -blam!-ing moral compass. These people who are defending this Kermit guy sicken me just as much as that disgusting human being that did it.

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                              • Bump

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                              • Kermit is the good guy here hahahahah getting some little kid off a game he shouldn't be on in the first place that kid deserved it that's what he gets

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                              • It was JUST plan c and dragons breath. Can get that afk on roc strike

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                                6 Replies
                                • Please die.

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                                  • I love to troll noobs

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