I have done this raid 53-54 times (give or take 2-3), and I still have not received the Vex Mythoclast. What up with that? (besides the RNG)
Same until one day I had T-bagged the archon priest. Got my rng algorithm in check went to T-bag pvp rehab. After that atheon was scared shit less when I rolled up.
Me to :(
Got vex on second and third time 😤😤
I got the Mytho and fatebringer yesterday on my first completion #HYPED
Not trying to brag but I got the vex mythoclast first time I did VOG hard. Just keep trying and u will get it
That's RNGejus. I have 2 [i]Vex Mythoclasts[/i]...and ZERO [i]Gjallarhorns[/i]. Shakes fist in air.
"37 completions"
Bet it really burns your biscuits that a casual like me got it on his first run...
We should all riot
Got the vex on my second run its completely random
Haven't gotten the vex after the 100 try. Haven't done it this week but still trying.
Iv never completed VOG let alone got the vex XD
I am with you buddy still haven't gotten a vex after 30