who enjoys clopping and does it on a daily basis.
Wat do?
I would disown him so he could rethink his life
If he didn't clop, I'd accept him for who he is. If he did clop I'd beat some sense into him telling him liking ponies in that way is not okay.
My son WILL NOT be a brony
I would kick him out and tell him to be happy with his choices, the are fine with me, then invite him back in a few after I set up a party telling him we all knew about it
Is... Is abortion still an option?
Put him in a room with the people of this thread.
I will literally make his world a living hell until he ends the insanity.
I would give him a copy of my porn collection, but from that moment forward every time he referred to himself as a brony he would lose one finger.
I send him back out in the woods till he comes back with the head of a grizzly bear or the grizzly bear comes back with his head.
Have him stare at human breasts of a woman for ten hours straight.
Military School
Immediately gives son up for adoption
I quit
And all my friends laughed when I bought that flamethrower... Now after all this time, I have finally found it's purpose!
Edited by psycho joe: 5/23/2015 9:52:23 PMAs a rational human that can see and admit my own weirdness i would say that i wouldn't judge my son or daughter seeing as how i would be a hypocrite by doing so and frankly i go by: "live and let live", if he has a weird non sexual interest in something or an actual fetish to it i wont judge him as long as it doesn't cause physical harm or mental harm to anyone else, when i say mental harm i mean, for example: seeing idk...someone die infront of you or suffer mental trauma from being ra,ped. No one's perfect. Dang those censor things.... i cant write ra,pe without the ( , )
what son?
Throw him into a black hole.
Slap the bronyism out of him. Use the electrocution therapy to the brain if I had too.
Edited by Lord Melon: 5/23/2015 10:20:08 PMWhat son? *wink wink*
Disown him.
Throw him into a wood chipper.
Edited by Lynx7386: 5/23/2015 9:13:19 PMI beat his ass senseless and proceed to show him the "good" furry porn that doesn't make him look like a damn pansy. Get off the rainbow dash and get onto e621.
Love him for who he is anyway and try to bond with him over his new found hobby [spoiler]JK beat that little prick until he loves beer, sports and sluts[/spoiler]
Put him up for adoption.
End his misery with a bullet to the skull