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2/17/2015 3:47:13 AM
Okay yeah. I saw this when I first got to Venus. Hands and feet are the first things people eat when in situations of cannibalism. the one leaning up against the wall died last because he still had enough stamina to stay standing the other times of death range with the first definitly being the pile of bones in the corners and near by those 5. they had drawn straws. as food diminished the old, then the weak became the food with those last few dying out around the same time refusing to finish each other off. maybe it was the madness of it all or maybe they went back to far as friends to do that to each other. I think hunger would conquer friendship so they probably all agreed that this was the end and there was no point in continuing this futile effort. the lovers died together as the other two simply couldn't keep up the strength to stand with the last guy looking up toward the sky as if to ask the god they would soon meet.......why?

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