Guys, I'm curious. Which do you use? Which do you prefer? And if you're not a Warlock, which would you rather have on your raid team? I personally am a die-hard Voidwalker.
And a final word. Hunters and Titans can argue over masterrace. We all know #Warlockmasterclass.
I run a Sunsinger about 90% of the time Song of Flame / Radient Skin pending situation(unless HM raid dictates fireborn, of which I'm not a fan) Flame Shield for extra defense Dual fusion gernades with extended Radience (really need that Praxic Fire) This setup often begs the question: Why don't you use fireborn?, you get an extra life. Why take a perk that brings you back from death when you have a perk that can mitigate damage regularly (without having to save/waste a super) in Radient Skin.