This is probably a Shitpost, but I'll answer seriously, anyway.
Let's assume that each Lion is 175 kg (around the max weight of a large Male, so it'll likely be less). That's a total mass of 175,000,000,000 kg.
The Sun is somewhere in the vicinity of 1,988,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg in terms of mass. In total, the Lions are approximately .0000000000000000000001% of the mass of the Sun.
Now, let's assume that each Lion has it's own portable Atmosphere, that protects it from radiant heat (so they don't get Vapourised a few hundred thousand miles away).
Upon contact, I predict the Lions to be completely atomised by the physical aspect of the Nuclear Fusion happening inside the Sun. Even on the surface, the sheer kinetic Energy produced by such a reaction is capable of completely destroying biological Matter. This isn't taking into account other minor details such as pressure and temperature.
That quantity of Lions isn't even enough to begin to destabilise the Sun, and would be comparable to a large Human vs. a single Ant.
You forgot a decimal point so you pretty much said that lions are 1% the mass of the sun.... Multiply that by a billion and we got some big ass lions
Breh it's at the end of the line above it
[quote]This is probably a Shitpost, but I'll answer seriously, anyway. Let's assume that each Lion is 175 kg (around the max weight of a large Male, so it'll likely be less). That's a total mass of 175,000,000,000 kg. The Sun is somewhere in the vicinity of 1,988,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg in terms of mass. In total, the Lions are approximately .0000000000000000000001% of the mass of the Sun. Now, let's assume that each Lion has it's own portable Atmosphere, that protects it from radiant heat (so they don't get Vapourised a few hundred thousand miles away). Upon contact, I predict the Lions to be completely atomised by the physical aspect of the Nuclear Fusion happening inside the Sun. Even on the surface, the sheer kinetic Energy produced by such a reaction is capable of completely destroying biological Matter. This isn't taking into account other minor details such as pressure and temperature. That quantity of Lions isn't even enough to begin to destabilise the Sun, and would be comparable to a large Human vs. a single Ant.[/quote]ok so I'm the nerd
[quote]you're such a fuçking nerd[/quote] -You. The fact you posted it when Gamers are massive nerds is not only hypocritical, but stupid. What I posted, anybody older than 14 could recite if they did Physics class and did a half assed job of paying attention. I never said you were [b][i][u]the[/u][/i][/b] nerd, I'm saying you're [b][i][u]a[/u][/i][/b] nerd. Stop putting yourself on a pedestal, you fucking idiotic child. Muted.
You're disgusting.
Put thet mirror down. The only disgusting one here is yourself. You have clearly gone incoherent from your botched lobotomy.
Gr8 brain b8, 8/8 your'e one smart m8.
I was legit just being a dumbass. >mfw newfags trying to get authority in Offtopic don't recognise a true Shitpost.
Kinetic energy? You mean solar right? lol
Solar Energy is the general term for radiant light and thermal energy that comes from the Sun. Kinetic energy is a form of energy that is basically the energy of movement. You can imagine the damage that literally a googleplex of atoms moving at extraordinary speed would do to living Cell tissue. Remember, I was keeping Heat Energy out of this. The Lions would be Vapourised at a distance of a few million miles from the sheer radiant heat.
Everybody look at this tryhard and laught
You're an idiot.
You're such a fûckîng nerd.
> >nerd Is this kid serious I'll give you this one chance to leave before I make you cry with words alone.
I literally don't understand what you're trying to get at.
Calling someone a nerd on a forum hosted by a Game developer. It's hilariously ironic.
So playing games makes me a nerd? If I'm a nerd, then you must be one too.
Nice try, but that's basically what I was saying to you, seeing as you brought it up first, and all.
[quote]You're an idiot.[/quote] Says the guy who doesn't think a billion lions could defeat the sun
Bruh 1v1 me