I would like to see the Vanguard Quartermaster cycle between his old stock of vanguard weapons & new vanguard weapons from the dlc. Same thing should go for the Crucible Quartermaster,
I just hope to see the old weapon selection so I may buy some old vanguard weapons with the new attack rating.
Not only should they stock the old weapons, but have them cycle the perks too. Since the dlc dropped, the new weapons seem really stale. I love HCs, but the TDYD is just awful for pve considering it's a vanguard weapon. (I only play crucible for exotic bounties) I mean, I lucked out and got a random drop of Red Hand IX and TFWPKY 1969, but that shouldn't be the only way to acquire better weapons. If the older models can randomly drop with tier 2 damage, there's no reason they can't be cycled into the vendor stock too. I just miss my TDYK.