Nova bomb is equivalent to the relic super, provided that you have lance equipped. Many people use the shield in the middle and shoot out of it tactic, while you can take his health down much faster if you spam Atheon with the relic super.
Yeah I agree with that. The relic super does a lot. It's just easier to have everyone in it. A lot of people go to the middle but I do the back door. Supplicants never go back there, and if I'm not holding relic I'll usually stay on the portal conflux shooting gjallys rather than worrying about jumping out of the shield. The relics really an aggro shield, and depending on what weps your team has you can take him down in two portal runs. 3 max on normal. Hard mode 4 usually, but I've done it in 3 once.
Edited by daPWNDAZ: 2/15/2015 6:46:51 PMOh yeah, definitely. If you have good enough weapons, then there wouldn't be an need to use any supers as such. I carry around my maxed Gjallarhorn during the raid, but I usually end up carrying the relic.
Same here. I am usually the only gjally, but the teams I run with usually either are newbies an such who aren't good with relic, or friends who like when I use it, so I end up being designated relic holder. Not that I mind, it's extremely fun to do.
Oh, I know! Back when the raid first came out, I remember I was the first in my regular raiding party to learn how to use the relic. Nobody really knew how to use it, and there weren't any strategy guides available at the time. But it certainly is a blast to use. Since then, I've been happy to pick up the relic whenever I need to.
I never would touch it. My friend evil was a nasty relic holder, and the random stuff didn't happen at that point so there was no need. I was forced to learn during hard mode gatekeepers when evil wasn't around. Only a 29 ever went thru, so we both went thru venus and he grabbed it after I killed the gatekeeper with gjally then did the other side. And I wish I woulda realized how easy it really was before then, cuz it took us forever at that part til I took the initiative.