Actually your super charges just as fast out side of the relic shield as inside, only time your super does not charge is when Atheon enrages.
But you keep on using your super, while I use my sniper and do over 10k damage per shot
You are hurting the team then
Really how am I hurting the team? Icebreaker with out WoL is 17k damage, Icebreaker with WoL 23k damage per shot. Supers at most 4-5k damage + cast time+charge time = not as much damage. Do the math your self, that is if your smart enough to do it. 17k x 5 = 85k damage per shot from the team. 23k x 5 = 115k damage per shot from the team. That's just from Icebreakers, not the damage from a team using Gjallarhorns.
U mad?