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2/14/2015 5:44:56 PM

PvE exotic handcannon

I love most handcannons and I use them primarily for PvE, all I want is a handcannon that is an absolute beast in PvE and is unique in some sort of performance way. TLW is a great "handcannon" for PvP not PvE partially because it's basically an auto rifle, Thorn better in PvP because the upgrade allows you to easily get 2 shot kills, and the fast rate of fire lets you shoot those shots very quickly and then run, the only real use of the mark of the devourer perk in PvE is to keep enemies shields down, but 9 rounds and a reload speed that is slow even for a hand cannon makes it worse than many legendary handcannons. I can't speak about the performance of Hawkmoon since I'm on xbox, but from what I have heard from some youtubers it performs better in PvP, but I don't actually know so feel free to correct me on that one. I don't now if people actually want PvE exotic handcannon or if this topic has already been made before, but feel free to share your opinion on it.

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