Is it just me, or recently are all these christmas noobs posting on lfg as 30/31s and turning VoG HM into a shit fest.
I mean come on everyone. It is called a "SUPER". Your most powerful move. You ever wonder why your super charges so fast in the shield? Because bungie wanted you to use them. If everyone used their super. Atheon goes down IN 10 SECONDS. Ghorn is ok to use, if you are a defender. And if you have a double gernade perk. Use those first.
I swear these new guys. Thinking you need blackhammer. We did that shit for months with out it!
But I digress. Stop using your guns during times vengence. Supers only
Second edit: Seriously guys. I am 100% not TROLLING. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I AM TRYING TO HELP NEW PEOPLE
Third edit: Because all you noobs are too dumb. Here is a test.
Shoot a captain with a one sniper bullet. Does he die? No. Use one super on same captain. He dies. Why? Because the super is stronger. Now Time's Vengence multiples total damage out put. So why not multiple your strongest attack. You all just need to think about it and stop being so stupid.
Edit 4: Seriously everyone? Still don't believe me, well fine. Here, I recorded my fire team and I using supers only. Here the video. THIS IS PROOF IT WORKS.
Edit 5: Final edit. Everyone, accept it. This method is the best. All your icebreaker and blackhammer pale in comparison. SUPERS ARE THE BEST WAY TO KILL HIM.
JLanderos, not a troll. A community guide
I would like to say, my sniper does more damage critical than my golden gun, which cant critics.
Um dude we use weapons of light back wall and then ice breaker with the bonus the critical hits at 19250 dmg supers are for defense for supplicants and oracles
If you are a blade dancer how ever... Or striker, your best bet is to shoot him. Also people use super for supplicants so teamates don't die the second they enter the fight.
Lol troll? Golden gun only does 1400dmg, ice breaker or any other similar impact sniper does 23000
Dude your retarded if you think that. I use black hammer along with everyone in my team and get him down in one timegate. With weapon of light and doing crit, I do 20k plus and usually get 12-15 crits. There's no need to even use any other super other that the titan bubble.
Lmao bruhhh
I have never seen anyone, EVER use supers on Atheon.
Your saying I should go fist of havoc atheon and die? That's not how it works you dumb -blam!-. Atheons epilogue does more damage than golden gun.
Very informative thks bro
I only melee in crucible.
Dude... Times vengance increases all gun damage to a burn status... Guess what doesn't get a burn status? Your super! Yes that's right you do LESS damage using say golden gun than landing a sniper shot. You're post although informatively written has no evidence to back it up. I know this one doesn't have much but if I remember correctly here... A sniper critical on Atheon does about 15,000-20,000 damage while times vengance is active. A golden gun does somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000-3000 I believe. You do the math. The time it takes to deal say 12,000 with golden gun you could have dealt 54,000 damage with 3 icebreaker shots landing a critical hit. Now shoo you go away.
wow. just wow. your super doesnt get the multiplier. i only use golden gun vs supplicants. black hammer does like 18k dmg a hit. golden gin about 1200. u do the math.
Nice video... You deffinetly got me...
Stop using guns! From this day i will stare atheon to death
Edited by OnThaLoose: 2/14/2015 8:58:28 PMFirst of all, you get your supers everywhere, not just In the bubble. Second, times vengeance increased gun damage significantly, one bullet from corrective measure does damn near 1k damage. A gunslinger shot does like 1500. The only super worthwhile is sunsinger grenades cuz the nades get bonus damage. And a weapons of light Titan bubble.
It's called icebreaker and grenades. You should say you're trolling because you sound really funny (in a retarded kind of way)
Have I really just read this?!?!?!
Wow, that video was very helpful! Thanks!
And the award for the best Rick Roll of 2015 goes to.....
Let me waste my time activating my golden gun while someone can get 6 crits on Atheon with the icebreaker dealing 14k and 19k with weapons of light.
Never go full retard
Golden gun is perfect for the situation. Nova bombs and radiance work well also. Defender bubbles are useful but I really can't see myself using Bladedancer or striker on Atheon
Edited by Okidre: 4/6/2015 7:47:03 PM
It does nothing to atheon you retard