It's time for another thread that shows us the beautiful side of humanity; if you laugh, cringe, facepalm or smash your face against the keyboard (o the other way around) you lose this little game.
Also feel free to contribute to this thread.
I'd also like to set a main topic for this thread; social criticism - send in anything that shows the more... crooked views of today's society. Be it education, fundamentalism or politics. (The classics like your typical fedora tippers or Coldsteel the hedgehogs are still allowed.)
[Edit]: Changed the title due to the reception of this thread. Apparently we all have been on the Internet long enough that the stuff depicted here just makes us laugh and not worry.
The only thing that could make Friday better is Calculus! [spoiler]*bonk[/spoiler]
Yay I win and I have no soul
And get a loli *_*
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Reading all of OP's posts made my day
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Behold. Don't blame me if it gets stuck in your head for hours.
Lil Webby never loses
If wishing for a great and fiery end is losing, then I lost.
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My mother is a nurse, my stepfather is an anesthesiologist, both my grandmothers were war nurses, my aunt is also a nurse, my cousin is trained in medicine coding. The sheer ignorance of these morons that they deal with on a day to day basis is absolutely astounding. How in the blood soaked Protestant hell does someone go through that much of their life without knowing even these basic facts about their own freakin' bodies?
A classic and one of my favourites.
The last two got me XD
I lost.
I win
I didn't laugh or cringe, but the mother not knowing peanuts is an ingredient of peanut butter made me face palm.
I sill make EVERYONE here cringe and lose! Including myself. Step 1. Take toothpick Step 2. Stick it under toenail Step 3. Kick a door till the toothpick protrudes through your toe. *shivers and feels phantom pain under toenails*
But Ken
Edited by grimshad3: 8/7/2015 7:59:27 AMI get it
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So yeah..