What can I say. I love destiny for what it is, but there just feels like there's something missing. Over my gaming experiences and knowledge and throughout playing destiny I have brainstormed some ideas which I would have liked to see in destiny or hopeful in future updates:
- Higher levels:
Let's face it. Who doesn't like games where you can level up and earn greater rewards and look forward to more powerful abilities?!
Personally I found reaching level 20 just a little bit to easy. If they at least made it something like level 50 then add the light to armour to increase it higher that would be pretty sweet. However I do realise they made it 20 for a reason.
- Ship wars
Ok so I don't see the whole point of the ships in destiny. I mean. Is it just something to admire while your game is loading? Just imagine flying around in an exotic ship with blaster on all sides blowing the bajesus out of other players!
-Private crucible (multiplayer)
Who likes kicking their mates ass in games? I know I do! So I haven't done everything in crucible yet so if it is made I'll look pretty stupid lol. But yeah. Name say it all. Versing your mates in death matches/free for all multiplayer :)
-More planets
Although the story wasn't too bad. I quite enjoyed it. It just seemed a little short for my taste. More planets should have been added to further the story rather than adding "the darkness below" to add extra story. Saturn/Mercury they would have been sweet. Uranus not so much... :)
-Emotes master
Personally I like the emotes in the game. But when I started as a warlock I saw another player bow to me. I wanted this rather than a stupid wave. Apparently warlocks are too good to bow.
In the near future id like to see a npc in the tower which allows a player to switch their emotes to what they like best.
It may be easy for some to learn the ways of the planets, but it takes me some time and I get lost easily -.- even if you had to search the area first before unlocking the map that would be sweet. Also having the ability to set waypoints would make it so much easier to navigate.
-Points tracker (vanguard,dead orbit etc.)
There already is one I know. But it only comes up as you get points. There should be an option to check all of your points and rankings for vanguard, dead orbit etc. I like to keep track and have a close eye on my progress without having to leave my objective.
Dead ghost tracker.
HOW MANY DEAD GHOSTS HAVE I FOUND?!?! I know I can check through the app. But. What if! WHAT IF MY PHONE DIED! Just a general stats option is needed I reckon lol.
-Public voice chat
So many things I wanna say to some players
-Grimoire cards
Just thought I'd add.
I don't get it.
If you think of anything which you would like to see in destiny or would like to comment on my ideas go for it :P hoping to see some of these in the future. :D
1. Spaceship combat 2. Heavy ammo fix 3. Gear transmogerfication